Thursday, February 28, 2013

Neighborhood Congress

Our neighborhood does something interesting, something I've never heard of or seen before. They have a 'congress' three times a year, where the residents get to meet and vote on quality of life initiatives. They call it the 'Neighborhood Congress', and it started through the CDC (Community Development Corporation) for the area, SEND (SouthEast Neighborhood Development).

A little background. I had never heard of CDC's before, but at least in Indy, they essentially help the urban areas grow and develop. At least that's their mission. It's much more that an HOA or Neighborhood Association, as it pursues commercial growth, as well as general economic health. Eric has served on other CDC boards, and is currently on SEND's board. He digs these kind of non-profits.

So anyway, we had our first neighborhood congress of the year earlier tonight. It's interesting how they are run, since the point of these is NOT to solve problems or stir debate. In fact, the only point it to brings issues to the forefront to be discussed outside of the congress in a separate committee, and vote on items previous committees have resolved or written language for as an initiative to go into our quality of life standards (a document, so to speak, that tracks the area's goals). There's nothing really shattering or outlandish at these meetings, and sometimes it's hard not to start debate - some people just sound like idiots when they get up there and seem to have no clue. But more than anything, it interesting to see what other parts of the SE side has concerns with.

Eric and I are lucky with where we live. We really don't have a lot or problems with anything, as our neighborhood is essentially a gateway into downtown, as well as located at the front steps of three major company headquarters. So we're pretty well taken care of as far as what we have around us. But these meetings keep us a little more in check with reality - sidewalks are falling apart in other areas, and they have neighbors that don't care about how their yard looks. We have awesome neighbors around us who want the neighborhood to look as good as we do, so we all try to make that effort apparent.

Now, I'm not sure how effective these congresses truly are and what they really accomplish, long term. Not sure if, in general, these quality of life initiatives go anywhere beyond the document. But then I guess that's the point of the CDC - the take this and prioritize their focus areas and actions. But it's a good idea, if it works. If nothing else, it makes the neighborhoods feel like they have some say in their future. Which will generally bring more pride to the neighborhoods and maybe set off a chain reaction of 'care' for the neighborhoods' own individual initiatives. But maybe that's just me living in my own little world, not accepting reality. But I'd like to think things pay forward that easily.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Down for the Count

I'm happy to say I am relatively healthy and do not get sick very often. The same goes for Eric. I don't know how I come across, but I know (now) when Eric gets sick, he's done. Kaput. Out for the count. Or, as seen this past weekend, face down in the bed for as long as possible.

I felt so bad for him! He got home from FL, and as soon as I picked him up from the airport, he said he wasn't feeling very well. He thought it was just fatigue, at that point, and the fact that he hadn't eaten that much since the morning. So we got to the house, he started some laundry, and we went out to run some errands and get some food. Before dinner was even done, though, he had been hit hard by whatever it was. He felt so bad that he even crawled in the backseat of the car to try to pass out. My car's big, but still not big enough for him to get comfortable (at least not laying down). We picked up some NyQuil on the way home and he took some while still in the car. He was in bed by 9pm. Out cold.

The next day, he stayed in bed until nearly 3pm. All I could do was check on him occasionally. He didn't even remember all the times I went up to check on him. I think just being home and having someone do that much, though, was what he needed. I think whatever he had was really a combination of things. Yes, he caught some bug somewhere, but the fact that he's been running himself ragged with work didn't help matters. Essentially, he wore himself out to complete exhaustion! But eventually, he felt well enough to head back to FL. Yep... you read that right... he got back on a plane to go back to FL. With the help of lots of drugs.

Compared to Sunday, he's feeling great today! But still not nearly at 100% (so he says). I felt a tickle in my throat this morning (I was around A LOT of sick people last week - Eric being sick was the least of my concerns!), so I immediately hit Target today and picked up some Zicam. Here's hoping...

Friday, February 22, 2013

I Need a Garage

Remember awhile back, I blogged about how here in Indianapolis, we are on the border of real winter weather and we never know what our 'winter weather' will really bring? Yeah... that happened again. A major winter storm has been blowing across the US this week, dumping snow like crazy, even in places like Phoenix. As it go closer and closer, our forecast kept changing. First is was 6" of snow. Then maybe just a couple of inches, then rain, then sleet, then a mix, and finally... finally it hit. What did we get? Freezing rain. The worst possible outcome.

It started as sleet. I could hear it hitting the window early last night, while I was watching TV. It even change to snow for a little bit. But then you could no longer hear it... but you could see it. And upon closer inspection, you could see not only was it in liquid form falling from the sky, but it was then quickly coating things as it hit them. You know, trees, cars, sidewalk, grass... whatever. But there was nothing I could do about it until it was done, so I just went to bed. Like everyone else.

I woke up this morning, knowing what I was in for. It wasn't as bad as the ice storm we had two years ago, thank goodness - that one literally froze the city for day because the temperature stayed well below freezing for a week! Thankfully, you could already hear the thaw happening since it breached the freezing mark (just barely) as the sun started to come up. But there was still a lot of ice. So I just let out a big sigh and got ready for the day, knowing that this ice would slow me down initially, but really just not giving a damn. It's Friday, at least.

I finally make my way outside. First thought... "I can't make it down my front steps without busting my butt." Yep... a sheet of ice coated are already steep, uneven stairs. I had already used up our last bucket of salt during our last weird winter storm, but I knew we had some in the basement. So I trudged down there and got it. Went back out front and started throwing it down the steps, and taking it very slowing, one step at a time, and finally got to the bottom of the step. Now for the sidewalk. Nit that anyone was going to be coming out it this, but if I didn't salt it, I was going to be the one eating it, no doubt. It's just how my world works.

Now thankfully, I remembered to grab my car keys before coming down the steps. I looked over at Tuscany, all covered in ice herself. Poor girl - she's been through a lot, considering she doesn't even have 2000 miles on her yet. I made my way over, always slipped off the icy curb, and got in to start her up. Might as well get her warmed up from the inside out, because it was going to be a task getting the ice off the outside, at least to where she was drivable!

Alright... a look back towards the house... time to go back up the stairs and get ready to actually leave. Which means I had to climb those stairs. I could see the salt was starting to work, which was good. But things were still pretty slick!

Finally, time to leave. Sort of. I started my car, but there was still a lot of ice to deal with. After almost slipping down the stairs (and I was going slow! But the salt was causing a melted slush to form on top of the ice...), and pulled out my ice scrapper. Where to begin? It was one big sheet over the entire car! Finally, I found a nook by the wiper that I could get under, and after that, the scraping began. It didn't take too long - at least not as long as I thought. Finally... I was off. Just about a half hour late - not too shabby.

Hopefully this time next year, it won't be an issue. Hopefully, I'll finally have a garage to park in. Hopefully.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Giving Up

So a week ago, the Lenten season began. While it is primarily a 'Catholic season' (for lack of a better term), a lot of people outside of the Catholic religion have taken up some aspects of it, such as 'giving something up' for Lent. Yes, I know in general terms, it's an across the board Christian celebration, but I don't think any specific religion dives into it the way Catholics do... maybe Lutherans... but it seems outside of Catholicism, it's more about the story leading up to Easter Sunday rather than the hard core 'celebration' Catholics participate in. And I can say that - I grew up Catholic.

Maybe it stemmed from that movie, 40 Days and 40 Nights from years back, or maybe that's just when I began noticing other people doing it. In recent years, I've seen Facebook become the target of Lent, with a lot of people giving it up. You are, after all, supposed to give something up that's difficult for you to give up. Facebook can be addictive. So I decided to partake in that this year. I've never been one to give anything up for Lent, just like I don't make New Year's resolutions. But this year, I figured 'why not?'

Facebook, for me, had become both a nice time waster and a thorn in my side. As much as I loved catching up with friends from years past, I also was getting worked up more than I'd like to admit about some people's posts. But I'd keep going back for more because I couldn't go without knowing the latest updates from friends, whether it drove me up a wall or not. Could I force myself off without the Lenten season? Sure. Just like a New Year's resolution, it could be done at any time, giving a little will power and persistence. But the timing just worked out well.

So here I am, a week into it. And you know what... I'm a lot less cranky. Well, okay, that's not the right way to put it. I don't miss it, though, and I find myself a lot less bitter, which would happen if I saw a post I didn't like. It would just fester in me, slowing getting to me more and more each time I saw something similar.

I'm maintaining my social media outbursts on Twitter, still - I follow mostly media sources and such there, not friends (or at least not friends that post a lot). I have to admit, it's kind of refreshing to be limited to 140 characters. No rambling allowed. And I don't have to look at a picture or video unless I want to - it doesn't just pop up in my feed.

Will I go back to Facebook after Easter? Probably. But I'm kind of hoping my time away will allow me to go back on a much more limited basis. I'd love to not feel the need to jump on daily to see what's going on. Or when I do go on, I'd like to not feel the need to page through ALL of the posts since my last visit. Or, better yet, just visit pages of friends I want to see stuff about and not page through the feed at all. We'll see. Time will tell. In the meantime, I'm enjoying a bit of peace in my life.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Funny Valentine

Valentine's Day. Normally, Eric and I keep things pretty low key. Our first Valentine's Day together, we found a good recipe and cooked together. It was a nice tradition to start. Lat year, we strayed a bit by ordering a full meal delivered to our door, cooked by the awesome chef from our reception. This year, though... nothing.

It's not that we didn't want to... Eric just wasn't here. He's still traveling for work and couldn't come home mid-week. We'll do something over the weekend... but nothing the day of. Instead, I went to a comedy club with a friend whose husband was also out of town, along with some of her other friends. At least that was the plan. Her husband ended up surprising her - so sweet! So he was there, too. It was a fun night, actually - nice to be able to have some fun. Aside from some horrible table service, the comics were pretty funny. All in all, a good night!

The best part of the day came at the end of the work day. Eric send me some beautiful roses since he couldn't be here in person. The poor delivery guy almost missed me - I was his last delivery of the day! But I'm glad I was there for the delivery - it completely made my Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State of the Union

So I actually watched the State of the Union tonight. I don't normally have the attention span to watch these types of things, but I did actually watch most of it, and the little bit I did miss, I was still within ear shot. Yay me!

First off, I have to ask something... is it just me, or is this just like a big pep rally??? It's like a game to to see if you can get both sides to stand up and cheer at the same time. And, you have to admit, there is some fluff thrown in there to do just that!

That being said, I think President Obama is a great speaker. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, he just draws you in when he speaks... he know what to hit and when and just how to deliver it. Sure, there are speech writers involved, but you can tell that he has the final say. It's definitely his words. I can say that after just the brief meeting he had years back - there's a genuineness about him and how he speaks.

So on to the beef of the speech. He started out with what I thought was a bang... in essence, he said that Americans just want the government to cooperate and make make thinks better and we (Americans) don't care about party affiliations. I think he was right on about things, even if he did leave a few things open-ended, a bit. But at least the idea got put out there. Love the idea of pre-school for all - finally follow the lead of some States out there that have successfully started such programs. Our troops are coming home next year and comprehensive immigration reform is on the horizon. And that includes both legal and illegal. And clean energy... I'm sorry, but if you're not on board with the idea of clean energy and getting away from oil (foreign of not), then you really need to wake up! If not because of it's limited supply, or the horror it does to the environment, then the fact that it's just moving forward!! There are countries decades ahead of us in this - when will we try to catch up before being completely left behind??

As far as taxes and the economy go... until I see some proof from one side or another that 'their plan' will work, I'm not sure what to think. I don't think the answer is to cut from military, medicare, or education. But then additional taxes suck, too. Personally, I think once you're in a certain tax bracket, you should also be capped on the amount of deductions you can take. Of any sort. It seems the more income you have, the more loopholes there are for you to find. You have to love when some rich guy makes a huge donation to a 'charity' that in turn, somehow benefits him. You know you've seen that happen. But it's a tax write off for him! The economy is slowly improving. You can't convince someone who's been out of work that, but it is. Sadly, it's just going to take time.

He smartly left gun control for the end, and he didn't say anything new that he hasn't already said. Stricter background checks and getting rid of automatic weapons (the kind that outgun local law enforcement). But the brilliance came with pointing out who all the recent violence has really affects, including one of their own and the family of a girl from his neighborhood in Chicago. But beyond what he believes should happen, he simply put, all these people who've been affected by gun violence... they deserve a vote in congress.

That's my two cents. I'm not a politician, but I know what I think is right, and that's just my opinion. But then, that's all politics are... a bunch of people with different opinions.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Much Needed Surprise

For those who know me well enough, you know Eric's job puts a lot of stress on him, which in turn, puts a lot of stress on me. Though I try to hide it. In recent months, it's required a lot of time away, as well, which is really hard - much harder than I imagined it would be. I think mainly because the time away adds more stress on him, which, again, adds more stress on me. I do what I can, try to keep things in order at the house, and try to maintain as much normalcy as I can.

As of Friday, he was officially gone for one full month. As in, no trips back to Indiana, even for a day. I got to go see him two weeks ago, thankfully, but for him, it's been a rough month out of a suitcase. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, but his project just seemed to be overflowing with issues that only he had the connection to resolve them. But Friday, he was finally coming home. Even if it was just for the weekend. So as I did some things around the house and made some plans for the weekend that would give him some much needed downtime. Then I got the phone call. He got stuck at the job site and wasn't going to make the flight. This devastated me more than I ever imagined it would.

After finally grasping the fact that he wasn't coming home, I went to bed Friday night, in my head, planning out my weekend by myself. It was to be a weekend of not much going on - which was fine. I still needed some down time from my own weekly routine. Saturday morning, I woke up and ate some breakfast. It was cold outside and I just couldn't seem to warm up! I was watching TV when Eric called me to see how my morning was going. He was back at the job site, trying to remedy some of the issues that came up the day before. We didn't talk long - just checking in. He told me he's call me that afternoon and we'd talk more. In the meantime, I found a movie on TV to watch as I continued to try to warm up.

About 4pm, he calls me again. He asks me what I was up to and then there was a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I ignored it at first, figuring it was a solicitor or something. Then I noticed he kind of paused. Then there was a knock again. Guess who? Yep, he flew home, after all. It completely caught me off guard - he's never surprised me like that! But it was a very welcome surprise - exactly what I needed.

While it was great for him to be home, he was only home for one night. We went out to dinner and did a few things around the house that needed attention and just be with each other. He wasn't even able to be here for a 24 hour period. But that didn't matter, because just being able to see each other and talk (not over the phone) was what we both needed, I think. It completely turned my weekend around. And I think he helped him to be away from the stresses of the job, even if only for a short period of time. In general, just a surprise recharge for the both of us.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Not So Super...

As you know, we (Indy) hosted the SuperBowl last year. If you've never been in a Host City before, the SuperBowl has never been anything more than a game on the TV, sometimes with a party to watch it and lots of food. But once you've lived in a Host City, or even more so, within a mile of the stadium and all the going-ons that lead up to a SuperBowl...

I gotta say, this year's SuperBowl lacks excitement for me. Part of it is because it's two teams I have absolutely no ties to... not by division, not by family, nothing. Shoot... there's even only two Auburn played in the game, one on each team. After last year, though, I'll never see a SuperBowl the same. And I don't think I'll get excited about one (unless my Jags are in it) for quite a few year beyond this point. After last year's experience of SuperBowl WEEK... going to see Jimmy Fallon live, all the parties and excitement, including the SuperBowl Village with its zipline, and for me, the volunteering at the NFL Experience, and even just the hype leading up to it all... nothing can compare for SuperBowl excitement for me!

Sure, I'll still watch it. But now that I know everything that happens surrounding a SuperBowl... it's so much more than just the game! I think it's even better than the game itself! It'll be hard for me to get excited about it. It'll be background noise as I do something else... unless it's a team I remotely care about, which there are only a few that I'd really care to watch.

So I guess I'll just say 'Happy SuperBowl Sunday' to everyone else out there. If you need me, I won't be preoccupied by it. But you guys might be, so I'll leave you alone to watch it.