Volunteering at the Super Bowl
So as I've mentioned previously, I signed up to volunteer at the Super Bowl. Before you jump to conclusions that I was on the field, the Super Bowl is SO much more than the game (as all of Indy learned this week, as well as anyone keeping up with my blog).
My assignment was actually in the NFL Experience, which was an event all its own!
My first shift was on the first day it opened. In fact, it was the first shift it was open! Which turned out to be, primarily, a VIP session, which was much slower than your typical intake of fans. Plus, I was in the 'Rush Zone', which was the kids 10 and under section. It was fun watching some of the little ones run through the mini obstacle course they had set up, but it was no indication of what the Experience would really bring in.
My second, third, and fourth shifts were all in the 'kids of all ages' game section, which meant the 'big stuff'. Specifically, my second shift was on Sunday, which was one of the busier days. The lines were up to a two hour wait (from what I heard) and the amount of people that came broke a record (that was just set the day before!). ironically, I was on the full scale version of the Mini Camp, which it what I was in the Rush Zone, only it was kids' version, obviously.
My last two shifts were the most fun, though - I was right next to the Mini Camp on the Speed and Mobility course. I had no idea when I signed up that THIS was the place to be... here, they actually had player come out for an hour or so and pass the ball to the fans to run the course. So this was where to be for a sports celebrity encounter. I heard earlier in the week, it was Reggie Wayne. When I was there Thursday, Desmond Howard came out. He was super laid back and down to earth 0 really nice guy. Started joking with us and soon as he stepped foot on the course. And all the fans loved it... though it was funny when the guys (grown men, have you) would try to show off, trip on something, fall flat on their face, and quickly get up with only their pride being hurt. I lost count of how many times that happened. The little kids had no idea who he was, so they just had fun, still.
So my final shift, there was no question of where I wanted to be... especially when I heard who Friday's special guest would be. Cam Newton. Wow... I would get to meet Cam Newton! After my bummer of an experience after the Carolina-Colts game, this was my chance. So I came prepared, complete with a Auburn Championship ball to be autographed (even though, as a volunteer, we weren't supposed to do that - but I wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity!). He showed up shortly after the experience opened - he is, indeed, a tall guy! As he walked by me, though, I gave him a "War Eagle!", and he smiled and said "War Eagle!" back. Alright.. connection established!
He spent about an hour-and-a-half passing the ball to people. He was so good with the little kids, too!
I get wrapped up in watching his interactions that I'd forget to do my job (catching and passing a ball back to the start). he even had some fun with some 'Bama fans. I also started talking to his agent that came with him. You could tell he loved having Cam as a client (and not because Cam is so huge, but because he's such an easy client to work with in environments like this - everyone loved Cam!). It was nearing the end of his session on the field, and I went out on a limb and asked his agent if there would be any way to get Cam's autograph. Somehow, he missed my Auburn connection earlier and when I told him I had the Auburn Championship ball to sign, he immediately said absolutely and told me to give it to him so he could be sure it happened. Sure enough, the coordinator of the appearance came over a minute later, talking about wrapping it up with some military personnel pictures and autographs. And his agent said he also had to get that ball signed. Score!
So sure enough, after the military guys had a few minutes with him, his agent walked over with the ball, and I followed, and Cam very happily signed it. Cam completely blew me away with how great he was throughout the entire appearance and how cool he was when he knew I was an Auburn alumni. What a way to end my time volunteering at the Super Bowl!
Obviously, I was on cloud nine for the rest of my shift. But overall, my volunteering experience was phenomenal! I will definitely do this again, if the opportunity presents itself.
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