Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

What a weekend! Though this weekend wasn't even half as busy as next weekend will be... this one still kept me going, though, for the most part.

Friday evening, Eric and I kept things low key and just had a nice dinner at a local Greek place, Santorini's. Very yummy! I kind of got some stuff dumped on me at the last minute at work on Friday, so I needed a quiet evening to unwind. Worked out well.

Saturday, we woke up and did a run - end of week one in our first 9 week training program! So after a late brunch, I headed home to do some things around my house (and leave Eric to do the same). I only ended up mowing my grass, though, because I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. I was beat for some reason! Then I met up with Eric to watch the Auburn game with the Indy Auburn Club on the northwest side of Indy. We won!!! And I am SO glad college football is back on TV!! YAY, FOOTBALL!! It may be a rough road ahead, though, for my Tigers... new coach, young team, and not at all favored to do well by analysts. But they've been wrong before and we always seem to do better as an underdog. So time will tell!

Sunday I woke up after a great sleep and slowly made my way into the kitchen to make an apple pie. I used six different varieties of apples from our apple picking adventure last weekend. I made my crust, "just like Mom used to make" from scratch, sliced the apples up so that there was a mountain of them packed into the crust, and let the smells waft through my house for the afternoon. It smelled SO good! It was all in preparation for our very NON-traditional Labor Day meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage. We got the cabbage from Eric's garden. That's actually the inspiration for the meal. So the main course was awesome! Eric has a knack for cooking up family meals really well. I think he enjoys it, too. Then came the pie... OMG... it was the best apple pie I've ever had!! The variety of apples is the way to go!! Everyone was raving about it!! And I've had a lot of apple pies in my time and if this one wasn't up there as the best, believe me, I'd say so. I'm not afraid to knock my own cooking - I AM my own worst critic! Needless to say, I was thrilled with how it turned out!!

After the nice, calm meal, everyone was content. Eric's sister and bro-in-law had just left with the kids, and we turned to go back into the house. Eric had just gone in before the rest of us, only to come back out to tell us there was a bat in the house!! Yes... you read that right... there was a bat it the house!! It got in through one of the windows Eric is currently rebuilding. This lead to a story from his Mom (while Eric and his Dad tried to chase it down) about when they had a bat in their house in Laporte and it landed on the pillow next to her head in her bed!! That made me a little more freaked out!! About 10 minutes later, Eric and his Dad come back into the kitchen (they were shutting off rooms as they searched them) to say they think he flew out the front door. They weren't sure, but they didn't think it was still in the house after they checked everywhere. His parents headed home after this, and I was still a little uneasy about the bat thing. Eric tried to reassure me it was gone, but I just didn't feel right.

We started opening up the rooms again, and I just had this feeling. We were in the doorway of the TV room when I looked up in his built in bookcase. On the top shelf, there were some dark colored baskets... and what looked like a little bat head sticking over the edge of one of them. I pointed to it and asked, "Eric, is that the bat???" Sure enough, it was. So we proceeded to close up the TV room again and he went in to try to catch it. I stood outside of the room, just listening to the commotion. Finally, he caught it in a blanket and threw it outside. I felt better now. I knew it was gone, now.

Sunday evening led to the earning of a good 'sleep-in' this morning. I was actually up before Eric, which is rare. After the first run of our second week of training, we headed out to do some errands and grab some lunch. Amongst the errands was a stop at one of my Make-A-Wish Wish Children's homes to deliver their itinerary for their trip to Disneyland in CA next week. That's always a fun thing to do. Then we grabbed a little lunch and headed back downtown. Next thing I knew, it was 5pm... time to head back home to do some of the things I needed to do around the house, yet. These long weekends are never long enough.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oooh, that bat story is freaky! Glad you got rid of it finally!