Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Array of Random Stuff

So there have been a bunch of random things lately that I thought would be slightly blog worthy, but not enough for an entire blog, by itself. So I thought I’d throw all of these random thoughts and occurrences together in one blog and call it good. Be warned… it is random…

The first thing… I am in mourning. My TV died. Not my main TV, but my little TV in my bedroom… that I’ve had since I was a kid. So yes, it was like 20-something years old. But it was there for me when I was mad at my parents in high school, and it went off to college with me, and even survived my first cable install after college, when the cable guy made fun of it (because I didn’t have my bigger TV yet). It’s been a fixture in my bedroom for years, falling asleep to it at nights, and turning it on while I get ready in the morning. So when I heard it *pop* and saw it go black in the middle of the Auburn game last weekend, it was like a little piece of my heart breaking. I know… it’s sad to have any sort of attachment to a 13” TV. But you gotta admit, when anything dies on you that’s been with you for 2/3 of your life, you’re going to feel something!

Corn on the cob butter spreaders, AKA, Corn Cob Butterers. I know – you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about. Growing up, my mom had these stainless steel ‘slotted spoon’ type things to use to spread/melt butter on corn of the cob. They were awesome. I thought they were an everyday kitchen accessory. I thought wrong. I’ve been trying to find them for awhile now – I do live in corn country, after all. The only butter spreader I’ve seen is this plastic tube you put a whole stick of butter in. Not the same and probably just as messy and trying to butter it with a knife, anyway. But I want the metal one. No luck. Until recently.

I Googled “corn cob butter spreader”, once again, only this time I saw them! They were slightly different than the ones Mom had, but it was the same concept. Then I realized why they were so hard to find – the concept was patented back in the 60’s! Being that they are stainless steel, and everything nowadays is just made of plastic, they probably aren’t even made anymore! But I found a box of 4, in their original box, for sale from a ‘vintage’ online store called Ruby Lane. The likely hood that they even had more than one set of these is minute! But they’re mine now – life is good and corn will be buttered!

Finally, I got a flu shot yesterday. My company does this for its employees every year. I didn’t get one last year. I hate needles. So I was going back and forth about getting one, and even toyed with the idea of getting the mist, instead. But I think I hate things going up my nose worse that shots – I always get a gag reflex since whatever goes up my nose ends up running down the back of my throat. So the time came, and I snuck over to see how big the needle actually was. Right when I was thinking it wasn’t too bad, I saw it get plunged into someone’s arm. This made me cringe and sent chills up my spine. So I had to turn around and go back to by desk and rethink things. In the end, I did the shot in the arm. The nurse was actually very gentle, though, and it didn’t really hurt at all. I think I just expect all needles to feel like the ones they stick in you when you give blood. I guess if I can handle that every few months, a simple vaccine should be cake for me. Oh well. It’s done. I’ve never gotten a flu shot before, so I’ll be curious to see if it really works. I always seem to catch the flu or really nasty sinus cold sometime around my visit home to FL for the holidays, and then I’m miserably sick for half of my vacation (or more!). Guess we’ll find out.

Well, that’s my random blog for now. I tried to warn you... you just never know what’s going through my head and what I might blog about next.

1 comment:

jhalsey said...

The reason you don't find corn on the cob butterers here in the heart of corn country is that most of us on the farm have/had a dedicated stick for butter. You then just take your ear of corn and roll it in the butter. I have happy dreams in the wintertime of a stick of butter with corn kernel prints in it :)