Monday, March 30, 2009

"Thank You, Easter Bunny!"

I'm so very excited because I just found out that I get to play 'Easter Bunny' this year and put together some Easter baskets for Eric's niece and nephews! I've never got to do this before... I was always the youngest. I usually send little baskets full of stuff to my own niece and nephew, but it's not quite the same since I don't get to see their faces. Granted, I usually get a really sweet phone call that's pretty cool. One year, I made it home the weekend before Easter and gave them some baskets, and that was cool... so I guess I can't say I never got to do this before. But this was a cool surprise for me to do this year - very unexpected!

Eric's Mom is going to do the hard stuff, like the dying of eggs and egg hunt organization... which is more time pressed (that's what makes it harder). I get to shop!! I LOVE to shop, anyway, so it suits me well! So I guess I'll be hitting Target (again) in the next week. Oh woe is me... (yeah, right!)

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