Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So one thing I did to attempt to keep myself from complete hibernation the past couple of months is bowling on my work league. There were seven teams, all from RW Armstrong.

I like to bowl. It's something I'm relatively good at when I try to be, and my competitive nature only allows me to enjoy things I'm good at. I get too worked up in a competition I'm not as good at. Anyone who knows me can tell you that.

So over all, the league was a very typical non-bowler score type league - people just happy to break 100 (including myself) on a regular basis. So it made the overall average lower than your typical league. Which made it less competitive to begin with. A big plus. The point of the league was to socialize with coworkers you may not normally work with or know too well. So this league served that purpose well. And a big plus was that it was only an eight week league - extremely short in bowling league time frames. But this was good - you didn't think of bowling night as a weekly chore near the end.

Anyway, the league ended this week. Just when you could tell people were tiring of the weekly games. But why am I telling you this? Because my team won!! Somehow, we managed to pull off being the first place team for the year, which surprised us!! We didn't think we were that good, so who knew!! And even better (for me, anyway) was that I bowled nearly my best score for the last game, scoring a 182! It was awesome!! My all time high was 184, and that was when I was in my bowling class in school. So it was when I was 'training' and bowling every week for a grade... not quite the same situation.

See the exciting life I live during the winter? It doesn't take much to get me excited. Now it's back to my normal couch/TV routine until it warms up... for good. Teasing 60 degree days don't count if it drops back to 30 degrees the next week. :P Oh well.

1 comment:

Wendymples said...

We just talked about doing a team outing to go bowling once tax season is over (we never even had a chance to do our "holiday" party! I'm glad you had fun ... AND WON!!!!!!