Monday, April 6, 2009

Stuck in the Mud

So I'm at work today and I find out there's an issue at one of the sites that I inherited. Extra dirt. They need to know where to put in and not effect the drainage. So off I go to Noblesville!

Now mind you, it rained A LOT yesterday, which actually made it a perfect time for this determination - you can tell right away where water already stands and where it needs to go. So I stop off at the house and change into some jeans and boots before going to the site. Good thing, too. Because when it rains in a farm field in Indiana, it gets M-U-D-D-Y!!! I remember when my house was being built, and even when I first moved in (before I grew my backyard), I would walk around and come back into my garage standing a couple of inches taller because the mud would just cake itself onto my shoes!

But today was a little different. I'm walking around the site, observing things and checking out the standing water when I step into a bit more of a muddy puddle than the rest of the area, and I (try to) continue to walk as normal and *pop!* my shoe stays in the mud while my foot comes right out!! Thankfully, I was walking the site by myself, so there was no embarrassment. But it took some effort to pull it out of the mud, and it didn't happen without getting a little water IN the shoe! But eventually I did (you try doing it without putting your socked foot completely in the rest of the mud around you). I shoved it back on, but now I had a soggy, muddy shoe to contend with while I was finishing up.

Oh, and did I mention it was near freezing when I did this? There were snow flurries in the area!

I was much more careful where I stepped when I went back to the car. And now I have a big mud spot on my floor mat I'll have to clean off. But in the meantime, it makes for a fun story to share. So hopefully I at least made you smile. :)

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