Friday, May 30, 2008

Get With the Times!!

I swear, for as much as we do... wait, for as much as we NEED to do as a company that involves a significant amount of important info... hell, even an insignificant amount, we do some things in a very archaic way! It's like they take a step back when they throw a new policy at us. I just don't get it.

Don't get me wrong... it's a good Company. But you can tell it has Midwest roots. It does not like change and often goes back to a previous way to do something, even if there's a more current, better way to accomplish the same goal.

I guess growing up in FL, the root of imagination and magical wonderment with ever changing technology, I got spoiled. If there's a better way, do it that way. Change is good.

Woah... I just had an epiphany for a future blog. Kind of gave me chills. But it's not ready to write yet - needs to brew a bit, first.

Monday, May 26, 2008

2008 Indy 500

The 92nd running of the Indy 500!! Yesterday was a good day - no rain this year!! Erica, Danyelle and I went once again this year again had a great time. And all the Gods were on our side... the Parking Gods, the Weather Gods, the Lawn Seat Gods... we got a cheap place to park, close to the track and the perfect spot on the grass in front of the jumbo-tron. And lots of very drunk people to keep us well entertained. :) Not that it should come as a surprise to have a lot of drunk people wandering the infield... I knew a few of them and even helped a bit with my infamous jello shots. ;)

The race, itself, was a good one - a lot of real racing and a lot of cautions!! I think only 21 of the 33 cars finished the race. A lot of unexpected people were even put out of the race... Danica Patrick, Tony Kanaan... and then the few that always seem to wreck (I don't think any names need to be, nor should be, mentioned here). In the end, Scott Dixon won the race. He won the pole, so it was a rare occurrence for him to win the race, too. It was pretty cool to see him win it, actually - I think he deserved it.

After the race, the girls and I hit The Vogue's race day concert - Here Come the Mummies. They played last year, and again this year, it was a good time. But man... by the end of it, I was worn out!! The whole day caught up to me. So much, in fact, that I took a LONG nap today!

So another Indy 500 is past... which means another Memorial Day is past... which means Summer is officially here. Hopefully I can do some more 'fun' travels. :) Actually... there's no need to hope. I got some stuff planned. But I guess I can always hope for more. ;)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Know My Airports...

I was sitting on the tarmac yesterday at PBI when I started thinking about how many airports I've been to. My current job has a lot to do with that, obviously - in fact, most of them come from business trips. I kind of wish there were some international destinations, but there has only been one international flight - when I was only a few years old coming back from Germany (my birthplace - Air Force brat, for those who don't already know)

Here's my list, to date (from what I can recall). This is actually just my 'adult life', since I've been out of college and in the 'real world.' ;)

ATL - BHM - BIL - BOI - BZN - CLT* - CVG* - DEN - DTW+ - EWR* - FLL - IAH* - IND (of course) - JAX - LAX+ - LGA - MCO - MDW - MEM* - MIA - MSP - ORD* - PBI - PDX - PHX - PSC - RSW - SEA - SFO - SLC* - TPA
* Just a Connection Point - never left the airport
+ Supposed to be a connection point, but I actually left the airport for some reason or another - there's a story if you want to know

You can throw in the few additional ones I remember from childhood (MLB & MDT) and it puts me at over thirty. In the grand scheme of things, it may not be too many (considering how many airports there are in the US, let alone the world). But the fact is, probably about half of those I visit on a regular basis. I know where to find the outlets to plug my computer in, what food is where, and which just suck and should be avoided at all costs!

Yes... I spend too much time in the air. I know some people out there spend more time than I do, but considering I used to only fly once a year to go home for the holidays, I'd say it's a significant increase. :P

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ah, Detroit??

Normally when I fly through DTW, it's a tight connection. Because they can. Not because they're trying to screw you, but because the Northwest terminal is so easy to connect through. A good thing.

But today... today we landed a half-hour early. A half-hour!! Did they pad that much time into the schedule, or was the tailwind that good?? I do not know. They may pad some extra time, but not a half-hour. But I would of figured with the rainy weather in Indy, we would've struggled getting out on time, let alone make it here on time. Yet here I sit.

I actually had time to eat. That was nice. I actually sat in one of the bars and had a burger. I felt rushed, only because in my own mind, the situation just wasn't right. Go figure. So I inhaled my food, got my check, and walked 100' to my gate. How silly I am...

Oh well. It'd be nice to get to RSW early now. I hate getting to the hotel so late - usually 1am-ish. It'd be nice to be asleep by then. Keep your fingers crossed for me ;)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bureaucracy BS

I have grown very tired of the F-ing bureaucracy of some governmental agencies (that shall remain nameless) that lie to your face.

What is the point of taking the time to set up a meeting (including MY time of traveling) to resolve things if they seem to have every intention of turning around and rejecting you anyway?? I can only smile and look cute so many times before I go homicidal on someone!! Four inch heals can be deadly if used correctly!

You just gotta love these agencies that claim to be pro-development, yet seem to do everything in their power to stop development. The best part... this is a REdevelopment - making the property better! But they seem insistent on not letting it happen.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Fast Friday

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the biggest IRL fan. I did, after all, grow up in the southern region of this country (though most, including myself, do not include FL as part of The South). But even with NASCAR right up the road (in Daytona) from where I grew up, I never even got into that (NASCAR) until college. I have to admit, there was something about that deep roar of a stock car at Talladega that got into my blood. But I'm in Indianapolis now...

In Indy, it's all about The Indy Cars - go figure... the racing league named after the City I'm in supports the league big time. Not a bad thing. And it's pretty cool, because come May in Indy, it's all about getting to the Indy 500 at the end of the month! It started with The Mini last weekend, qualifying starts tomorrow, and the 500 is Memorial Day weekend. And today was what is known as Fast Friday - the last day of practice before qualifying begins. So when you're in Indy in May, you have no excuse not to make it to the track, because it's open nearly every day, at least for practice. And if you hear the high pitch whir of cars, then it's a good day.

So I made it out to the track today for Fast Friday. Unfortunately, it was a very dreary day. Cars were on the track when we got there, but a drizzle came soon after and they closed the track early. :( Bummer. But it was nice to hear the cars driving around again. This is the first year that CART and IRL have reunited, so there's a lot of hype this year. We'll see if it's worth it, I guess. I'll be there for the race again... always am. ;)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's Definitely May

Today I was assured it is indeed May. Today was the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon (aka "the Mini"). And I was out there at 6:30 am, setting up the Gatorade at the end.

It never ceases to amaze me the thousands of people that do this every year. I, for one, am not a runner. Never have been. Though I've been told I need to at least walk The Mini one year - it's an Indy tradition! So I've been told. Maybe one year. But for now, I volunteer. There's a lot of Gatorade to be handed out to a lot of thirsty runners after that long run!

There are two other things that never cease to amaze me, as well. The first is how many "thank you"s I get!! I enjoy doing this, despite the awful morning rise it requires. The second is the amount of people who do this for some one for some cause. Perfect example is the firefighters who do the 13.1 miles in full gear. All to raise funds for charity. How cool is that?

Anyway, to all those out there that ran... Congratulations. I applaud your efforts and ability, and it's my pleasure to pass you some Gatorade. ;)

Friday, May 2, 2008

I met Barack Obama!

I came into work this morning only to learn that Barack Obama was going to be in my building for a fundraiser and press conference. What are the odds and how could I pass up the opportunity??

So I hung out on the floor he was on (which is a floor of conference rooms) until the end. As he walked out I got to shake his hand AND get him to autograph his book (which I just happened to pick up at the airport on Wednesday to read on the plane). He is such a nice guy - just as nice in person as he comes across in all his ads and otherwise in the media. I had actually gotten that impression more so as I read his book on the plane this week, too... so it was pretty cool.

On a side note, the coworker and I that were waiting together were talking to the 'right people' who were helping with the event, so we didn't kicked off the floor. Anyway... apparently, the Secret Service had asked one girl about us - I guess we were making them nervous because we had been standing there so long. She told them who we were and that 'we were okay', and they agreed to let us stay. So I was even cleared by Secret Service. :) Okay... so not really, but it sounds cool.

I'm as giddy as a school girl right now. :)