Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Winter Travel Woes

For the second time within two weeks, I missed my connection. This time, in Detroit (DTW). However, this time, it was Mother Nature's fault.

Planes can't take off in freezing rain, and it just didn't quite know what it wanted to do in Indy today. We pushed back from the gate early and were waiting to de-ice. Then freezing rain started, so the airport shut down operations. About 20 minutes later, it stopped, and we de-iced. We started taxiing, and the freezing rain started again. We had to stop. Well, by the time the freezing rain stopped again, we had to go back and de-ice again. This time, the pilot hauled ass down the taxiway and made sure he got off the ground.

And I give the pilot major props, cause he hauled ass in the air, too. We made it to DTW in record time! Gate to gate in about 45 minutes. We're usually in the air that long, and still have to add taxi time on there!

The good news, they didn't rebook me on Delta. The bad news, the next flight to Ft. Myers (RSW) doesn't leave until 9pm. So here I wait (yes - I'm typing this as I sit in DTW). At least DTW is a better airport than MEM. Much newer, so there's actually some things to do where you can waste time. And I got another food voucher. So free dinner tonight. Another plus of DTW - they actually have some decent restaurants. But I still have to be here for 5 hours!

I don't think I'll email the airline this time. This really wasn't their fault. Unless they screw my flight up tonight yet. But after the past couple flights, I've learned something... always take direct flights in the winter! If the weather delays don't screw you, the de-icing might!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, though... they're supposed to get a major snow storm here tonight, which is supposed to start before my flight. It doesn't look nasty out already. I really don't want to get stuck in DTW tonight...

UPDATE 5:15pm EST: The snow has started...

UPDATE 2:30am EST (3/5/08): FInally made it to my hotel... good night!


Wendymples said...

How's the weather up there? It's icy here, but mostly I-70 and north. Took me about 45 min to get home. Not too bad, I suppose! We really must get you a travel tiddly-winks game!

Karen said...

That sucks to be stuck at the airport. At least you have access to the Internet. I don't know what I'd do! Probably buy a book and then fall asleep reading it and miss my flight...yeah, that's probably it.