Monday, March 10, 2008


What is it about Mondays that just drain you? It doesn't matter how relaxing your weekend was, or how great of a mood you start the day in... by the end of it, you're wiped. You're left wondering WTF just happened and wishing for the weekend already.

Mondays kill me. It never fails, something happens that just kills it. Today, a consultant completely misinterpreted the code and way over designed the building because of it. On my end, we're supposed to be able to trust the consultant to read the code correctly, and design a building accordingly w/o having to look over their shoulder. After all, they are the experts. But alas, no such luck here. The only reason we caught it was because we've done so many other buildings in the jurisdiction and thought what they gave us just didn't look right. And that was, indeed, the fact of the matter - it wasn't right. So frustrating.

And the day's not over.

It's no wonder I just go home on Monday's and collapse. Never want to do anything. Not even cook. Barely have the energy to get ready for bed. Just want to veg... and I usually do just that.

I hate Mondays.

1 comment:

Wendymples said...

Note to self: Never see what Kara's doing on a Monday night looking to go out! LOL

I agree though. Even in a call center, Monday's are total hell. Chris is usually exhausted Monday nights too, and you'd think after a couple days off it would be the opposite!