Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Office Makes Me Sick


I'm fine when I'm home. I'm fine when I travel. But when I'm actually IN my office for more than a day, my sinuses go haywire. No joke.

I talked to the building guy today (since we own the building, he wanders our floor often) and he's going to have the maintenance guy take a look at the vents and returns in my office to see if maybe things aren't circulating right. We'll see.

Gosh... wouldn't that just be a shame if I couldn't come into work and had to work from home. ;) Ha ha ha Yeah... that'll never actually happen. But still... it justifies my traveling more, at least. Not that I need to.

Oh well. Another day, another bought of sinus pressure. :P

UPDATE: Okay... if things weren't bad enough, right before lunch they got up into the ceiling of the main office area (outside my office) and drained some sewage line into an open bin. Now all you can smell is raw sewage in the office! Except in my office... where my lack of circulation and closed door have created a bit of a sanctuary. SANCTUARY!!!

1 comment:

Keith said...

They drained a line of poo?!? Get a breathing mask, maybe then they'll get the hint!