Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Well, more proof this year is flying by... Thanksgiving has come and the turkey has been eaten. Can you believe it?

My Thanksgiving actually started yesterday. I was in the kitchen all day baking. I made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie, and then some pumpkin cookies. Both pies were from scratch... COMPLETELY from scratch. I used multiple types of apples and pumpkin from my garden. The cookies had a little cheating involved, but still used my fresh pumpkin. By the time I got to those, though, I was already beat from making pies!

Eric and I decided to keep Thanksgiving a little simple this year... stuck to the extreme basics. Just turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and fresh cranberry sauce. His mom brought some rolls and salad to start the meal... and that was it. And we STILL had a ton of leftovers. But that'll give us something to snack on through the weekend.

But the main point was to just spend time with family, which was nice. Though retailers may believe differently based on the store shelves, the holiday season officially begins today. It is only from Thanksgiving til the end of the year that you can really say "Happy Holidays" and not have someone look at you all crazy.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Now bring on Christmas!

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