Monday, November 29, 2010

Officially Listed

Well, it's official... my house is fully on the market, waiting for that one person to want it. It took a lot of time and effort for Eric and I, but it's done. Now all we can do is wait.

For me, this is huge. If you've been reading along, you know how hard this has been for me. I got to thinking... I signed the papers with the realtor almost exactly at the 9 year mark from when I signed the papers with the builder to build the house. I signed with CP Morgan (my builder) on November 17, 2001. I signed the papers with Century 21 to sell my house November 18, 2010. One day over the 9 year mark. Almost erie.

Some days, I feel like I'm being over sentimental with my house. Am I? I think I just get attached to everything in my life. My car is older than my house... I'll probably be upset when I have to get rid of Baby Bleu, too... just balling at the Nissan car lot (I assume it'll be a Nissan).

So if you know anyone in the Indy area looking to buy, feel free to pass on the info! I just want it to be a good home to someone out there, just as it was for me. Just click here and forward the link! There's actually lots of sites out there that it's listed on, but the link goes to my agent's page. But, just in case that one has issues, here's another one to try. This one is the general link.

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