Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

A new year is upon us... already!! 2008 flew by for me! So much happened in my life, it's easy to see how it flew by, I guess. But it's the past... how's the saying go... "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift, and that is why it is called the present"... something like that, anyway.

Though today left little to be gifted, as I was too busy unwinding from my trip. I guess that WAS the gift. :) I spent a majority of the day unpacking and figuring out where to put things, and preparing to go back to work. BLAH! I really don' want to yet. Oh well. Tomorrow will hopefully be an easy transition back into work since so few will be there. I'll be able to catch up on email and clear whatever is on my desk off... and then really be ready for work on Monday!

But enough about that. I really just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! I hope 2009 is a good one for you and I really hope there is some change for all of us around the corner. I think the world could use a little change and a little 'pick-me-up' through 2009. Regardless, cherish what you have, from your loved ones to your health, and don't take anything for granted as we all move towards a brighter future.

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