Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Day

Tomorrow is a very historic day in our Nation. Barack Obama takes the Presidential Oath of Office and becomes our 44th President at noon, changing the voice of the Nation.

One can’t help but wonder what the future has in store for us as we move forward as a Nation. Truth be told, Obama has a very high bar set by both himself and the People. Will our economy improve? Will we pull troops from Iraq? Will the poverty level drop? Can we really set standards for industries and states alike to ‘Green Up’ our Nation? So many critical items came up through the campaigning, and so many of Obama’s answers gave so many Hope.

Hope. A word that has come to mean so much. The basis of a campaign has brought that word to the center of so many households and so many people’s hearts. After everything we’ve been through and everything we’re still going through, there can’t be anything but hope that things will improve for us. How can they not? Surely it can’t get worse. At least that’s what we Hope.

At this point, that’s what we must do to survive day to day. So many go to work every day with the hope that they will not become the next victim of the economy. Every day, military families hope their loved ones come home soon. Every day, unheard of levels of people hope to have a warm meal that night. And if you have ever been on the wrong side of one of these ‘Hopes’, you can only hop no one else has to succumb to the same.

As we move forward, though, let us remember… Obama has the highest hopes for our Country and he, too, hopes he can fix so many of these problems. But he is one man. He is only one part of the government. Not everyone in DC is happy he is the one in the White House and do not agree with his vision. So we must also hope that our own government can actually come together and work towards a better Country. Together. Forget about party lines, forget about lobbyists… finally remember why they are there… for the People of these United States.

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