Monday, March 31, 2008

I Like Shoes

They are my weakness. They are my joy. They are what makes me feel better after a bad day. They are how I celebrate after a small victory.

They are what will eventually send me into bankruptcy.

Shoes. Wonderful shoes. I never thought I had a lot and I definitely never thought I had anything special. Until I went through my closet for Goodwill. Wow... I have a lot of shoes, even AFTER putting some in the Goodwill box! And there are still some that I've yet to wear. Very sad.

Yes... I have a problem.

I'm happy to say I've worn most of them, though. The few I haven't worn are the really specific occasion ones that I bought on sale because they were too damn cute to pass up for the price. If have ever seen In Her Shoes, there's a scene where Rose and Maggie discuss Rose's shoe collection.

Maggie Feller: Shoes like these should not be locked in a closet! They should be living a life of scandal, and passion and getting screwed in an alleyway by a billionaire while his frigid wife waits in the limo thinking that he just went back into the bar to get his cellphone. These are cute too.
Rose Feller: Please tell me you just made that up.
Maggie Feller: Look, if you're not going to wear them... don't buy them! Leave them for someone who's going to get something out of them.
Rose Feller: I get something out of them! When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.

Wow... it's me and my collection! (Though mine is not nearly as extensive!) But it's true... shoes always fit. Sometimes I wish I had an unlimited shoe budget... there are so many pairs I've passed up because the money just wasn't there. And that's hard for me!

See... I told you I had a problem.

Sure, for everyday wear I have my few pairs that I always go do, which rotates with the seasons, of course. But there's something about wearing that 'other pair' of shoes for a change... they look good, they feel good (well, sometimes they do), and sometimes they just make the outfit. And it's fun to get a compliment now and then... so I guess I do buy some good ones if they're compliment worthy.

Did I mention I have a problem?

Okay... there's my ramblings for the day. I just saw In Her Shoes over the weekend on TV... I need to set up my closet like that - more room and better displaying of the shoes!


I like shoes. A lot! Too much... :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Fine Art of "Merging"

Most people do NOT know how to merge. It's as simple as that. And it's one of my biggest pet peeves. Especially here in Indiana. I never had this problem when I lived in Atlanta, and the traffic volumes were far greater, road rage was much more abundant, yet, merging seemed to happen with ease.

I'm one of the lucky suburbanites that gets to deal with I-69 day-in and day-out. The first merge problem... SR 37 merging into one lane before getting onto I-69. People have it in their head that as soon as they get south of 126th street, they need to be in the right lane because the "Left Lane Merges Ahead." The keyword there is "Merges" and people don't know how. The left lane is there for another 3/4 mile for a reason, otherwise, they'd only have one lane after 126th street to begin with. So the people who don't know how to merge do one of two things... straddle the line so no one can get by (unless you have a truck) or ride the person's bumper in front of them really hard and don't let you in.

Now me, I admit... I can be a VERY aggressive driver. That comes from learning to drive in Florida. Plus, my vehicle is bigger than a lot of the cars out there, plus, older. So though this is never a good way to start the day, my aggressive instincts kick in and if they try to block, I go around, using the shoulder and/or grass is necessary. If they don't let me in, I cruise right along next to them, ultimately on the shoulder, but I have the advantage being on the left because that's where the decel lane from 69 starts... so I can jump over with plenty of pavement left and there's nothing those idiots can do. But it pisses me off.

The second key point that annoys me on this side of town...

Anyone knows the NE side knows they recently added a 4th lane on I-69 heading north. They added that lane for a reason, people... think about it. And it HAS helped, though it's a long way from being completely fixed. But I've noticed people starting to treat it just like the merge on 37. Not as much shoulder to play with on this road, but you can still get by. Though it's not a fun way to end the day!

Anyway... the art of merging? The article below actually sums things up pretty well. And this is based on people (MN-DOT) who build the roads and set up lanes the way they do for a reason! The big point... under light traffic, sure, merge a half mile back. But otherwise, use that merge lane to the full length - it's there the EASE traffic congestion! You only make the congestion worse by getting 'in line' too soon or blocking people from using the lane.

New Traffic System May Improve Driver Behavior in Merge Situations

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Fifteen percent of drivers admitted to straddling lanes in order to block late merges in construction zones, according to a recent study conducted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

To address the more than 2,700 crashes and 18 fatalities occurring in highway construction zones last year, Mn/DOT commissioned a study to better understand the behaviors and attitudes that trigger driving decisions in merging situations as drivers enter a work zone.

"Our goal is to increase safety in work zones by reducing the confusion and frustration drivers often experience when merging," said William Servatius, Mn/DOT's Office of Construction.

"Many times crashes occur due to aggressive driving, abrupt lane changes or sudden stops, so we want to help drivers make good choices while traveling through our work zones."

In an attempt to minimize the problems discovered in the research, Mn/DOT also conducted a month-long field study on Highway 10 in Anoka to assess a new Dynamic Late Merge System, a traffic control strategy to improve merging at lane closures.

"The fully automated system using remote traffic microwave sensors and a Doppler radar provides instructions to drivers via changeable message signs on when to merge and how to merge according to the current state of traffic," said Craig Mittelstadt, Mn/DOT's workzone safety specialist. "For example, if traffic is heavy, the system will instruct motorists to use both lanes and take turns once they've reached the defined merge point just before the lane closure."

This strategy often referred to as the "zipper" improves traffic flow, reduces conflicts and hopefully will decrease the number of crashes when traffic demand exceeds the capacity of a single lane closure.

"Basically, we want drivers to know that under normal traffic speeds, they should try to merge early to avoid unsafe merging maneuvers; however, when traffic is congested, drivers should use both lanes all the way to the definite merge point," said Servatius.

"We can't completely rid the roads from congestion in a workzone, but data from the study revealed this method shortened queue lengths by 35 percent and reduced lane changing conflicts," said Mittelstadt. "We also hope for a decline in crashes and aggressive driving behavior."

Minnesota is one of the first states to use the Dynamic Late Merge System and plans are to continue this research in the upcoming construction season.

"People have been trying for years to research the proper way to merge, but there are so many factors to consider," said Servatius. "It's difficult to say what's the 'right' way - instead we're looking for the best way."

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I don't have a lot of time to "do good" out in the world, with all my traveling, and all. But I do try to give what I can, when I can.

My main philanthropy is Make-A-Wish Foundation. I got involved with them about 3 or 4 years ago and I love it. I don't get to do as much with them as I'd like to right now with my traveling, but when it comes to the weekend opportunities (which are rarer than one would think), I try to get involved. It's really a great organization to be involved with.

Like everyone out there probably, I try to give to Goodwill when I can. I have a HUGE pile at home to give to them right now, as a matter of fact. I need to go through and log it myself though, first, so I can tell them exactly what I'm giving to them!

But my newest one is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. I signed up this year for the first time. I've been wanting to do it for the past few years. As some of you know, this hits close to home for me since my Mom is a survivor. So I'm looking forward to it (April 19th) and I'm trying to get as many contributions from friends and family as I can in the short time I have. So if you got an email from me looking for support, please think about it. If you didn't get an email (it's probably cause I don't have the correct one) and would like to help me out, please, let me know!

Thanks for the support!! :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Office Makes Me Sick


I'm fine when I'm home. I'm fine when I travel. But when I'm actually IN my office for more than a day, my sinuses go haywire. No joke.

I talked to the building guy today (since we own the building, he wanders our floor often) and he's going to have the maintenance guy take a look at the vents and returns in my office to see if maybe things aren't circulating right. We'll see.

Gosh... wouldn't that just be a shame if I couldn't come into work and had to work from home. ;) Ha ha ha Yeah... that'll never actually happen. But still... it justifies my traveling more, at least. Not that I need to.

Oh well. Another day, another bought of sinus pressure. :P

UPDATE: Okay... if things weren't bad enough, right before lunch they got up into the ceiling of the main office area (outside my office) and drained some sewage line into an open bin. Now all you can smell is raw sewage in the office! Except in my office... where my lack of circulation and closed door have created a bit of a sanctuary. SANCTUARY!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Day for Baking

I was the lucky one to get to provide dessert for Easter Dinner this year. Of course, anyone who knows me know my necessity to have my Mom's apple pie on holidays. So I always make it for where ever I go if I don't go home to Mom and Dad's for whatever the holiday might be. I've begun to make it my own... and I'm getting pretty good at the crust, too. :)

For my second option for those who may not go for the apple pie, I went for a peanut butter cheesecake this year. And I must say, I'm pretty damn impressed with the way it turned out! I hope it tastes as good as it looks. That actually goes for both my pie and my cheesecake.

Anyway... yes, I love to bake. I actually love anything in the kitchen. Which makes it a bummer to be single and no one to cook for sometimes. :P But I get over it... and that's why I go all out when I do cook or bake for others. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

"May neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you."

I hope all are having a wonderful St. Patrick's Day! I know there a few out there that have already started to celebrate.

I did most of my celebrating on Saturday, otherwise known as 'St. Practice Day!' I hung out at the Rathskeller with some friends and had a few drinks to pay homage to that little bit of Irish in me. Of course, everyone seems to find a little Irish in them this time of year. ;) We had a good time, as can be noted below.

If you were there, you understand what this really means...

Various types of Bombs for all!
The beginning of all the empties on the table...
How can you not be all smiles while celebrating St. Patrick's Day??

Alas, I may not be able to have much green beer tonight, as I do have to head south to FL tomorrow. So if I don't see you out, have an extra one for me. But regardless, another toast to all my friends...

"May you have the hindsight to know where you've been,
The foresight to know where you are going,
And the insight to know when you have gone too far."

Monday, March 10, 2008


What is it about Mondays that just drain you? It doesn't matter how relaxing your weekend was, or how great of a mood you start the day in... by the end of it, you're wiped. You're left wondering WTF just happened and wishing for the weekend already.

Mondays kill me. It never fails, something happens that just kills it. Today, a consultant completely misinterpreted the code and way over designed the building because of it. On my end, we're supposed to be able to trust the consultant to read the code correctly, and design a building accordingly w/o having to look over their shoulder. After all, they are the experts. But alas, no such luck here. The only reason we caught it was because we've done so many other buildings in the jurisdiction and thought what they gave us just didn't look right. And that was, indeed, the fact of the matter - it wasn't right. So frustrating.

And the day's not over.

It's no wonder I just go home on Monday's and collapse. Never want to do anything. Not even cook. Barely have the energy to get ready for bed. Just want to veg... and I usually do just that.

I hate Mondays.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Winter Travel Woes

For the second time within two weeks, I missed my connection. This time, in Detroit (DTW). However, this time, it was Mother Nature's fault.

Planes can't take off in freezing rain, and it just didn't quite know what it wanted to do in Indy today. We pushed back from the gate early and were waiting to de-ice. Then freezing rain started, so the airport shut down operations. About 20 minutes later, it stopped, and we de-iced. We started taxiing, and the freezing rain started again. We had to stop. Well, by the time the freezing rain stopped again, we had to go back and de-ice again. This time, the pilot hauled ass down the taxiway and made sure he got off the ground.

And I give the pilot major props, cause he hauled ass in the air, too. We made it to DTW in record time! Gate to gate in about 45 minutes. We're usually in the air that long, and still have to add taxi time on there!

The good news, they didn't rebook me on Delta. The bad news, the next flight to Ft. Myers (RSW) doesn't leave until 9pm. So here I wait (yes - I'm typing this as I sit in DTW). At least DTW is a better airport than MEM. Much newer, so there's actually some things to do where you can waste time. And I got another food voucher. So free dinner tonight. Another plus of DTW - they actually have some decent restaurants. But I still have to be here for 5 hours!

I don't think I'll email the airline this time. This really wasn't their fault. Unless they screw my flight up tonight yet. But after the past couple flights, I've learned something... always take direct flights in the winter! If the weather delays don't screw you, the de-icing might!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, though... they're supposed to get a major snow storm here tonight, which is supposed to start before my flight. It doesn't look nasty out already. I really don't want to get stuck in DTW tonight...

UPDATE 5:15pm EST: The snow has started...

UPDATE 2:30am EST (3/5/08): FInally made it to my hotel... good night!