Friday, May 24, 2013


I am lucky to not get sick too often. At least to where is debilitates me. Maybe that's me being stubborn and 'not letting' myself be sick... but I really don't think I get sick too often.

If you're not into TMI, you might want to stop reading now... or at least skip the next paragraph.

So last night, when I woke up with stomach pains in the middle of the night, my first thought was "it's just gas" and I curled up into fetal position, and tried to go back to sleep. When that didn't help, I got up and went to the bathroom. Well, that still didn't help. I tried again a little bit later, still no help. After a few times, I knew the only way I'd feel better was to vomit. I wish I could say I patiently waited, but I was up and down multiple times, hoping it would come, and it never did.  Almost grabbed a pillow to just lay in the bathroom and wait.  But finally... it happened. Oh, and it was painful, tears and all. I knew my stomach had to be empty... but I still wasn't feeling good. I went back to bed and I tossed and turned some more, knowing more was to come. Well, at least the physical action... not sure how much more would physically come out. Finally, as a last ditch effort, I laid on my stomach. That did it. One more run to the bathroom. Mostly dry heaves this time, which might have been worse, actually. What a miserable night. But I felt I was finally on the road to recovery.

Looking back, I should've known something was up. I had a few nauseous sweats earlier in the evening. Didn't think much of it at the time - thought I was just hot. So for that reason, I think it was a virus verses food poisoning. Not that one is better than the other. I spent most of today with some slight nausea still, but nothing else came out. At least on the top end. I stayed home from work, so between my dozing off, I had a lot of time to let my mind wander. One of those places was the difference between when guys and girls get sick. Why are guys so much more dramatic when they get sick??

One thing I didn't mention was that Eric slept through my whole episode. Or rather, episodes. He had no idea until he woke up in the morning and started asking my plans for the day. I told him what happened and that I wasn't going anywhere but the couch today and he was surprised. I was surprised he never felt me get up or heard me running down the hall! I'm not faulting him. But if roles would have been reversed (and they have been before), I would have been up with him, all worried and trying to do what I could. He said I should've woke him up... but why? So neither of us has sleep?

I also thought about the difference between when you're sick as a kid and sick as an adult. As a kid, it sucks... but you get over it and often enjoy a day off of school, even if you are bedridden. As an adult? All you can think about is the lost time! There was so much I wanted to do today, and it all got nixed. To me, that was the worst part! Aside from the dehydration and sore throat I now have. I tried to stay hydrated today, but it was hard! Saltines and water weren't even sitting right early on!

I finally had a peanut butter sandwich for dinner tonight. It actually tasted and felt good. That and half a bottle of Gatorade... I think I'll sleep good tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better - sleep tight. Love Ya, Mom