Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

I know I keep say this, but we've hit yet another holiday that demonstrates how fast this year is flying by!

Eric and I 'celebrated' our Fourth by working on the house. I know - exciting!! But we didn't have any family activities planned (since his sister moved out of the area last month) and decided our best bet was to take advantage of both of us having a day off. We still didn't get as much done as we wanted... but then that has become a common theme. So much left to do, but every little bit is progress!

We did go to our neighbor's place to watch the downtown fireworks - she has a better view from her 2nd floor balcony than we do our front porch (or even yard). So we hung out there for awhile - since it gets dark so late this time of year, it didn't impact our house projects. Besides, we don't want to become 'that couple' who never goes out because of their house projects. So some social time is good time.

Besides that, it was a low key day for us! Not necessarily relaxing, but a good day, none the less!

Hope everyone else had a good 4th of July!

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