Out front is rather temporary. The City in installing some new curbs and sidewalks. Great benefit in the end and should only last a week. But it's taking away my parking space in the meantime and there's a lot of beeping from the concrete hauling backing up constantly. They start no later than 8am.
Out back it actually much less of a nuisance. In fact, I never even know what's happening hen since it's really just a staging area for the Cultural Trail. And not even so much a staging area as it is a place to park the big trucks overnight. But there's enough trucks to notice and make you wonder what's going on... if you didn't already now.
Now... above my head... that's another story. There's no doubt somethings going on and it is quite annoying! But this one benefits me the most, so I can't really complain too much. Currently, it's actually contractors tearing off part of our roof to install a dormer. The dormer will ultimately be part of our new master bath, which will be awesome! But the contractors decided to start doing this on a couple of the hottest days to date this year.... in the 90s with heat indexes near 100! So what does that cause them to do? Start earlier. They were on ladders and banging around at 7:30am this morning! Yes, I was already awake, but I was still getting ready for work upstairs. Which made me nervous about a huge whole sudden;y appearing somewhere overhead. No... that didn't happen... but it's not a very comfortable feeling hearing a bunch of guys yelling right outside your bedroom.
At least they didn't wake me up. And I just keep telling myself, this is only a couple of days until the roof is done, and then they will go back to a normal schedule back inside (like a 9am or later start). Until then, guess I'll just be getting up and out the door to work earlier than usual...
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