Saturday, June 5, 2010

One Week!

I'm one week out from my wedding day. One week!!

The thoughts racing the my mind... the lists of things to do before we leave for FL, the list of things to do once we get to FL, the list of things that might go wrong... I've hit that anxious/nervous state when I'm having nightmares of everything that might go wrong. Those don't make for a good night's sleep...

One week...

And then there's all the things that I know I have to do when I come back from the wedding, including all the name change stuff and the complete move of everything to Eric's house... which may take awhile, actually. I have a lot of stuff and he still has a bit of a construction zone. But we'll deal with it.

I just can't believe how fast it's come to fruition! Time has flown by since we were engaged last December, and even faster since we set our date/location. Is it always like this?? Who knows... anyway... ONE WEEK!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Try not to think too far ahead, or you won't be able to enjoy being in the moment! Everything will work itself out and fall into place. Have a wonderful, fabulous time, and I can't wait to see pictures!