Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Next on the Agenda...

With the wedding over, Eric and I have turned our attention to the next big thing... our Open House Wedding Reception in Indy.

We actually did a lot of the planning before the wedding. Picked a date, picked a caterer, put a deposit on a big tent for the backyard... so I guess we actually got most of it done... We're trying to do something nice. A slightly upscale summer picnic, if you will... Our caterer uses mostly, if not all, local food, which will give us some unique small plate menu items. He brings some servers to make it nice, and we'll use real plates. I'm not going to wear my wedding gown again, but I'll be wearing a little white dress to represent bridal attire. I'm not sure what Eric will wear yet... But it'll all be kid friendly... yes, there will be alcohol available, but ultimately, it's a family friendly affair.

Now of course, amidst all of this planning, I'm trying to get things moved in. Well, the reception has actually thrown a bit of a wrench into moving everything, as we don't want to fill up the space with stuff with we're going to have lots of people over in a month. So, what do we do? Or rather, what do I do? This is where is pays to have plenty of clothes... for now, I'm 'functionally' living there, meaning I can live there day to day (sleep, eat, get ready for and go to work, come home and chill, etc.), but a lot of the personal stuff will stay at my house, slowing getting packed up for its new permanent residence. I actually kind of like this scenario... I don't have to rush through packing, which means I can go through things and maybe even *gasp* get rid of stuff!!

I really hate packing/moving, though. It's such a pain in the a$$!! Especially when you've been in one place for 8+ years. So much stuff... I'm not looking forward to the process. Can't wait until the ultimate outcome, but really hate the process to get there.

Anyone have a magic wand I can borrow??

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