Good Beer - Bad Beer Party
Even with everything going on this year, Eric didn't want to skip the new tradition he started last year - his Good Beer - Bad Beer party. Even with the large number of conflicts from friends with prior commitments, we pushed on!
So yesterday, those who could, came, and we had our own little brew-ha-ha at the house. Though the numbers were smaller this year, the 'quality' of bad beer and good beer didn't waver. Granted, I'm sure some of our normal beer connoisseurs who normally show up might have added more of a twist in the mix, it was still some fun sampling. And the kids always make it more entertaining... you never know what they're going to do!!In the end, the best "good beer" was my Wild Blue... I think it's just a good summer beer and went down easy on this humid summer evening. The worst 'bad beer' was the State Beer of China, Yanjing. Eric Stinson brough this and it was horrible!!! It had an aftertaste of Off (we say that cause we were spraying it on us by the end of the night cause of the bugs). So it was rightfully the winner (loser?).So until next year, we all have had our share of bad beer for the year and maybe even discoverd a few new good beers to enjoy along the way.
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