Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring is REALLY here now...

Sure... the weather warmed up over the past couple of weeks. It's been beautiful!! The calendar even said it was Spring. But for me, Spring came this evening... when I mowed my grass for the first time!

Now, the mowing isn't what bothers me. It can be nice and mind numbing if conditions are right. But that's rare. It usually stresses me out... because I see weeds!!

For some reason, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my lawn. Seeing one weed drives me up a wall. Seeing more sends me into a pulling frenzy with the mind racing on how to kill them. When I see a NEW type of weed, I just get downright pissed and start trying to figure out which neighbor isn't taking good enough care of their yard!

This year, though, I blame it on the rabbit(s). I saw numerous piles of evidence that I had a rabbit or two hanging around my back stoop. And go figure... right where those piles were are new weeds. Ones that are thriving quite well... which one would suspect when its seed is placed with natural fertilizer.

So it looks like I'll be applying my weed prevention fertilizer a little earlier than anticipated this year. Not to mention doing walks of my lawn with my weed killer to catch them individually. Joy.

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