Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Too Much Here...

So I know I haven't posted much in awhile. This is because I've been crazy busy at work and aside from that, there hasn't been too much excitement in my life.

Eric and I have been trying to nail down a date and location for the wedding... which has been a little difficult between our two work schedules. But we're working on it. People have been asking and I wish I had more details to share at this point. They'll come soon, hopefully.

Other than that, it's just been a dreary winter in Indiana. My last post noted how it finally got above freezing... but the sun still hasn't come out. Dreary weather really gets to me, too. So that may be part of the lack of excitement - I just want to curl up on the couch under a blanket when it's like that outside.

Oh well. Hopefully I can post more excitement soon.

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