Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Big Day!

So I woke up this morning, assuming it'd be a normal, cold Saturday. Granted, I had to finish decorating my tree and house for Christmas... but other than that... Eric and I went out for some breakfast and then wanted to go over the the Indianapolis Museum of Art to buy his Christmas cards for the year (he always gets them there).

Or so I thought.

First, he wanted to go look at the Robert Indiana "Love" Sculpture out in front of the museum because he hadn't really checked it out since they moved it to the front of the museum (YEARS ago!). It was just going to be 'real quick' and then we'd go inside since it was only about 30-degrees out.

Or so I thought.

Instead, as we were standing in front of the sculpture, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!
Of course I said, "Yes!" I was shocked... so much that I was shaking. Not because of the cold... but because of the shock and excitement! I got a huge smile on my face, obviously, which still hasn't gone away.

So I'm engaged!! And to me, that is a big day!!


Sara said...

Congratulations!!!! What a great way to get engaged!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Big hugs to both of you! Tell Eric job well done! -Catrina