Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Decorating... (some of it, anyway)

Okay... so I'm a little disappointed in myself. Not only did I not have energy yesterday, I seriously lacked motivation. So nothing was actually decorated yesterday. I DID get everything out of the attic, but the rainy, dreary day just made me want to curl up on the couch... which I did. Sad, huh?

The good news... everything's out of the attic! And I did manage to set my tree up this evening (though I didn't get to decorating it). So it'll be an ongoing process this week. But no pictures until it's done! In the meantime, send some good motivation vibes my way!

Some other good news (for me, anyway)... I'm almost done with the shopping side of Christmas! I ran down my list and I only have a couple of things left! Granted, when I pull everything out and look at it, I'm sure I'll realize I need to get a few more things, but the bulk of it - DONE! Then I only need to get the tree up so I can wrap gifts underneath it...

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