Friday, July 10, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Day (at work??)

I've never really gone too much into the company I work for now. The company seems to be a really good company when it comes to taking care of their employees, which is very
rare this day and age. It's nice to know there are still companies like that out there.

Today was a good case for that... we had our annual Jimmy Buffett Day, complete with lunch pitch-in and entertainment even Jimmy would be proud of. The entire office is decorated by some of the staff and they encourage employees to even decorate their own workspace (which I did, of course). I can honestly say I've never been somewhere that celebrates Buffett this way... or ANY way! Even the owners get into and sing (and even PLAY) along! And in the end, they gave away four packages, which included VIP tickets to the concert and a half-day of vacation among other things. I didn't win, but it was still pretty cool. It's such a great way to wind down the week.

They do pitch-ins on a fairly regular basis - at least once a quarter, sometime more near the more commercialized holidays. Each department gets aside a type of dish to bring in and of course not everyone brings stuff, but there's always plenty of food! We have 'grillmasters' that start grilling first thing in the morning so there's plenty of 'main dish' ready by noon. The only downside to it all is that the company has grown so big that the table get pretty tight in the common area. But it's still a lot of fun.

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