Saturday, July 4, 2009

Good Beer - Bad Beer

This year, as a pre-celebration of the 4th of July, Eric held a Good Beer - Bad Beer party at his house, where everyone brought what they thought to be a really good beer and one they thought was a really bad beer for sampling and judging by all. From the initial murmurings of it, everyone loved the theme! And being that it was a day off for most people (since most companies observed the 4th on the Friday before), it made it real easy to start a little early and keep it kid friendly. So that was the goal - a simple family friendly gathering where everyone could just relax and taste a bunch of different beers, all while having a little fun with it.

The day turned out perfect, weather wise. I don't think we could've asked for better weather - perfect temp, enough cloud cover to keep things cool, and just enough of a breeze to be refreshing. We got everything set up in the backyard in plenty of time. This was also to be the christening of Eric's backyard - it's never been used before because it was a construction zone of sorts. He's been working on it since late fall (to improve the grass/weed ratio) to make it usable this year - and he did an awesome job!

People started showing up and listing their beers on the good and bad beer whiteboards. there was quite an array of beers, from the basic bad beers you'd expect (Stroh's) to beers with names you couldn't even pronounce (those got nicknames on the boards). There was only one duplicate in all the beers - Stroh's, as a bad beer.

Everyone seemed to have a good time tasting and getting people to taste their beer. All the while, the kids entertained themselves with dogs and building a fort out of cardboard boxes Eric brought home (he brought them for this reason - kids love boxes!). In the end, Carl won with his Kriek Lambic, a cherry flavored brew (this surprised me, actually), and Barry 'lost' with his Bud and Clamato they package now. I've heard that's a hangover cure, but it just does not even sound appealing. Amber found this German beer that tasted like beef jerky - I thought that should've won. It was a close second, but we had some home brewers at the party that even said they had brewed something similar themselves, so maybe it's not all that unusual.

So the party pretty much went off without a hitch. Most agreed that it should become an annual thing. Which I'm sure will happen. It's just a good party to have this time of year - relaxed and easy with some good beer and food.


jhalsey said...

Sounds like it was a blast! I had a bad beer to submit that I think could have won.....wish I would've felt better!!

FLgirl said...

next year. :)