Friday, May 22, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

It's here. Memorial Day weekend. Up here, this is the true official start to Summer. Pools finally open, parks start various programs, and, of course, it's time for the Indy 500!

Ever since I've moved here, I don't get the pool and park think. Is it really that difficult to make a judgement call, based on weather forecasts and general inquiry from the public, when to open and close pools?? Maybe the program thing makes sense because of school... but even then, school doesn't start and finish the way is used to when they probably implemented this regulated open and close dates (close date being labor day). I understand pools can't be open 12 months a year, like in FL, but surely they can be open longer than the 3-1/2 months they are open - I know I've witness weather that could permit pools to open earlier or close later, at least on weekends if not 7 days a week!!!

I digress.

The bigger thing is the Indy 500 this weekend. As I've done just about every year since I've lived here, I will be going to the race, doing the infield thing. So I'll have plenty to blog come Sunday night or Monday sometime. The weather is supposed to be great, so I'm looking forward to a good race! It's usually a pretty good time, regardless of the weather. At this point, though, it'll just feel good to be outside in the warm sunshine!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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