Monday, May 18, 2009

A First Birthday

In continuing with my blogging about "Firsts", I went to a First Birthday party over the weekend. I almost forgot how to shop for such a youngin'... but I quickly remembered how once in Target.

The party was actually a combined party for Eric's youngest nephew, Nolan, who is the one who turned one, and his step-niece, Taylor. Eric's mom baked a couple of cakes and we had a nice family BBQ at Eric's sister's house. It was nice. As typical of a one-year old, Nolan had no idea what was going on. He's just starting to walk, so that was all the entertainment we needed.

Of course, Eric's other nephew, AJ, provides plenty of entertainment as well, as typical of a kid his age. He's still adjusting to having a baby brother (even after a year), and as hand-me-downs come out for Nolan, he quickly claims them as 'his' still and proceeds to play with the toy or put the clothes on (even if they are quite a bit small).

Taylor's approaching that "tween" age and still adjusting to the blended family, though I think she's fitting in quite well. She's great with the boys, despite the age difference. I could see her and Darian getting along fabulously! Maybe one day...

Anyway, compared to last weekend, it was quite low key. But I needed that after the long week I had at work. The whole weekend stayed low key for Eric and I. The party was Saturday evening, and before that, our main even was going to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the latest special exhibit. But though it was low key, the weekend was eventful with small things and running around, so there was no time to be bored. Winter is definitely over. FINALLY!

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