Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Good Valentine's Day

To really enjoy Valentine's Day and look forward to it, you have to have a Valentine. This year, I really did. I can't remember ever being as excited about Valentine's Day as I was this year. I have a wonderful guy by my side that's not going anywhere and whom I love with all my heart.

I wanted to write earlier about what I got Eric... but I didn't want to risk ruining the surprise in case he got on here and read it, which he does on occasion. So I had to bite my blogging tongue. I got him a framed picture of us - one of the best we've taken. He hates pictures being taken, so rarely does he smile. He actually smiled in this one. But then I also got him a signed copy of Tony Dungy's new book, Uncommon. This came after hearing about how my friend, Jen, stood in line for his autograph at an earlier signing and how cool of a guy Tony was. And what a huge SuperBowl ring!! They're really cool looking up close! Anyway, he was very surprised and loved both presents.

He got me a dozen beautiful red roses and a really pretty necklace from Silver in the City. If you've never been there, you need to go. They have lots of very unique jewelry, a lot of it created by local artists, even. But it's not just jewelry they have, which makes the store really fun to go browse.

For Valentine's Day dinner, we cooked together. We had Chicken Saltimbocca, which was amazing, and some fresh steamed asparagus and red potatoes!! And it was much more enjoyable and relaxing than trying to go out to dinner... for us, anyway. The surprising part was how easy this particular dish was to make, yet how gourmet it tasted. So I think we set ourselves up with a new Valentine's Day tradition - cooking for ourselves!

All in all, it was a wonderful Valentine's Day. I couldn't be happier with things with this part of my life and I'm looking forward to lots more to come. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You brought tears to my eyes...I am so 'happy' that you have found a true LOVE! Stay happy...
Love Ya,