Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

This was a good 4th of July. And it goes back to Fishers Freedom Fest. This was a good year (despite other things in my life right now).

Just as it was my first year going to Fishers Freedom Fest, this year also served as my first year to actually go see the fireworks in downtown Indy. They have a great set up there - they shoot them off of one of the tallest building downtown (though not THE tallest), so they can be seen for miles around the downtown area!! So if you're anywhere in the vicinity of downtown, you can see them.

Which makes Eric's place a great place to watch them. His house is on the first residential block leaving the downtown business district. You can sit in his front yard and get a great view! So he hosted a little get together with family and a few friends to have a few drinks, eat a little something, play a little cornhole, have fun with a few fireworks of our own, and, of course, watch the big show. It was pretty cool, actually.

Of course, when the fireworks actually started, I had to one-up the great view we already had and climb up on the roof of the neighbors' condo building (with the neighbors, of course) - there were no street lights to hinder the view there. And really, that only made a difference if you were taking pictures. Which I was, of course. But it was worth it. :) The show was spectacular, and much longer than I thought it would be, which was a bonus. I only wish the pictures I took could give it justice. But it's hard to capture the true movement and light of fireworks in a still frame. So you just gotta make due. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Admit just can't resist hanging on on rooftops! Never could!
kp =)