Monday, January 7, 2008

Fate has an odd sense of humor...

So I was thinking... Fate has an odd way of doing things. It always seems to be the case that as soon as you stop looking for something, you have it practically dropped in your lap. Often, what you were looking for was in front of you the entire time. Or, what you're looking for just comes at the most inopportune time for you, where it just seems impossible to work it into your life. Sometimes it even comes from the last place you'd expect it to come from.

Now, life seems to work in a combination of the above. Sometimes just one thing, something all of the above, but rarely none of the above. I think it's most interesting when it's all of the above though - makes for more of a challenge. And what's life without challenges?

But it still makes you wonder. Why does fate like to play some many games? Anyone who knows me probably knows that I'm a big believer in fate. So I'm not knocking the idea of it. But it's so crazy to look around at your life, as well as others in your life, and wonder how you all got put together, especially when you come from so many places (geographically and philosophically). I think it's true that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, the the later being the hardest to come by and the most valuable for the same reason. But it doesn't make the first two any less important. They're just there for different reason.

Oh well. Enough philosophical thinking for a Monday. This could just all be in my head. I am a bit of an oddity, myself. :)


Keith said...

..."for a reason, a season, or a lifetime"... I like that! Me thinks there's something big going on for such philosophical waxing, but perhaps you just had a bad case of Monday's. Hope you're staying warm.

Renton said...

Feel better! Did it work? =)