Friday, January 11, 2008

Fate has an odd sense of humor... (part 2)

So why is it that everyone can't be happy at the same time?

After a long period of time of being shut out and put down, one person finds happiness only to stand by and watch a friend that seemed to have all the happiness in the world, lose it. That's not even right.

On the same token, have you ever noticed how hard it is to have all aspects of your life on the upswing or peak? There always seems to be something going down or completely trashed in your life. It may be a minor item, but it's always something.

But I guess on the flip side, there usually always something on the positive in your life, no matter how bad the rest is. I know for me it's always been my family and I'm grateful for that.

1 comment:

Renton said...

Balance is about perspective. Sometimes we focus so much on one side going down, that we forget to look behind us to notice the other side of the seesaw going up. Then again, I'm mostly full of crap, so take it with a grain of salt.