Sunday, August 14, 2011


Ever notice how you can sometimes things your life is just a crazy, turned upside-down, mess, and then something happens. Something major that does not affect you directly, but it really makes you think and realize, "Hmmm... things aren't so bad for me - it could be a lot worse."

Yeah... happens a lot, it seems... something always puts my life's 'problems' back into perspective. Not a bad thing to get a reality check every so often - we all need it.

Lately, though, I feel like I'm getting more reality checks then usual. Near the end of July, there was an article in my old hometown newspaper, The Florida Today, about a family that had a serious accident while vacationing in GA... lost one of their children, left another a paraplegic. What amazed me more than anything about this story was the outpouring of support that came through social networks, especially Facebook. They still have a network keeping people updated on Facebook.

Then there was what happened yesterday... locally. What is being tagged as 'The Tragedy at the State Fair' by news networks... I'm sure most of you have heard about it, as it's gone international. The tragedy being the toppling of the stage into the crowd during a concert intermission, killing 5 people (so far) and injuring at least 40 more. Sugarland was to take the stage shortly, but they had not yet, and a storm quickly approached, with strong wind gusts preceding it. It happened just after an announcement about an impending evacuation if the storm got bad.

It's obviously still under investigation - they just started that today. There's a very vivid video out there on YouTube if you haven't seen it. Probably more than that one by now, too. And if you do any search, you'll find a ton of articles. Our local newspaper, The Indy Star, is keeping us pretty well informed, though.

So why does it take such drama for us to put our own lives into perspective? Or is that just me?? I had enough drama in my life last year that I'd think I wouldn't need something like this to remind me my life is pretty good. But yet, here I am, getting all philosophical about life once again. But you know what? I don't mind being reminded.

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