Thursday, August 18, 2011

Indiana State Fair

I like going to the State Fair. It's not something I had (or at least knew about) growing up. I'm sure FL has one, but it's not like it is in farm country... which is HUGE. I like going for the reasons most people like to go... the food and the people watching. It's always a good place to find some fun photos, too.

This year was different, though. With the tragedy that happened last weekend, it was a very somber atmosphere. People were there, eating and riding rides... but honestly, it didn't look like anyone was having a really good time. It was almost like they came to pay tribute, and nothing more.

It was kind of hard to not remember what just happened there a few days ago. Not only is the stage still collapsed in the middle of the infield, but there's a memorial outside of the grandstands with five American flags and a lot of flowers left by fairgoers. You can't help but stop and think... and remember.

I hope the State Fair can resume it's fun atmosphere next year. I fully anticipate there will be some sort of tribute next year at the beginning of the fair, maybe even a permanent memorial for those who lost their lives. One thing's for sure... not one will ever take a day at the fair for granted after this year.

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