This past week was a busy (but FUN) week! I went to not one, not two, but THREE concerts! All were very different, both in genre and overall atmosphere. It was kind of fun 'expanding my musical diversity' around town.
Monday night was an unexpected suggestion from Eric... Britney Spears! Yep... you read that right... "It's Britney, Bitch!"
It was within walking distance from our house and even if you're not a Britney fan, you have to admit she's reaching that notorious status where you if you have a chance, you have to see her live. We also took advantage of a Groupon where they were half off, so that made it pretty appealing to (Gotta love Groupon!). Were were definitely out of the main demographic of the audience - young girls in their 20's - but it was still an amazing show! It's more of a theatrical production than it is a concert between the set and costume changes. I highly recommend seeing her show if you do have an opportunity - Britney definitely knows how to entertain!
Tuesday night... a very different genre... LMFAO! It was supposed to be Ke$ha with LMFAO opening for her, but she bailed on us to rehears for the MTV VMA's or something like that...
but LMFAO was quick to say they'd still play, a smaller venue was lined up, and tickets were sold! Unfortunately, Indy does not have an appreciation for this type of music (Electro-Pop, I've seen... basically, club music). It was a small venue to begin with, and it was maybe a quarter full. But again, it was a kick-ass show! They know how to play the crowd and have a good time. Eric and I had no idea what to expect with this one and were ready to head out after we heard the songs we wanted to hear, but we ended up sticking around for the entire thing since it was so entertaining. Loved it!
Monday night was an unexpected suggestion from Eric... Britney Spears! Yep... you read that right... "It's Britney, Bitch!"
Tuesday night... a very different genre... LMFAO! It was supposed to be Ke$ha with LMFAO opening for her, but she bailed on us to rehears for the MTV VMA's or something like that...
I had a break Wednesday night, but Thursday was the annual Jimmy Buffett outing with Wendy! As always, this started a little earlier in the afternoon with us getting into the parking lot as early as we can manage. We had more people this year, which always makes it more fun.
We had an overload of jello shots (that we somehow managed to be out of at the end of the night) and the margaritas were flowing, of course. The concert was the usual fun sing-alongs by a mostly drunken crowd, but the fun is always in the friends you're there with. So, needless to say, it was a good time had by all in our little group.
After the week of concerts I was beat. Still am. Now I just need to recover before the next big thing!
After the week of concerts I was beat. Still am. Now I just need to recover before the next big thing!
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