Last night was one of those nights. A small group of us (Wendy, Karla, Jen, and I) got together over a Jen's for some wine, cooking, wine, and catching up. And wine. Jen threw out the idea last week, and followed up with a loose schedule for us. We ended up cooking some salmon and veggies on the grill, with wine, and Jen even made some oh so wonderful bread and breadsticks. And wine. We had some other good stuff thrown in there, too,
like blackberry barbecued shrimp and , of course, fresh sweet corn on the cob! Oh, and some sangria (aka wine).
Throughout the evening, there was lots of catching up and talking, and reminiscing. All over a few glasses of wine. Some of he best parts were making sure each other didn't chop off a finger or trip over a candle... basically, make sure no one was injured. And no one was... for the most part. We just had a good time. Even as the evening wound down and we found ourselves playing 'Name That Tune' on the music channels over the satellite tv, we couldn't stop laughing as we relearned how to do the Running Man and Roger Rabbit.
I love my girls!