Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's Get Physical!

I hired a personal trainer. I’ve been planning to since they first introduced the availability of one at work (cheap!) late last year, but the wedding just amplified the desire. I want to look good in that dress! But besides that, I intend on doing The Mini in May… that alone is enough reason to get in shape. And I do not have the ability to force myself to do things, let along do things in proper form. So this week, my sessions began.

First off, Laura is awesome. She seems to push just enough and doesn’t ask for anything too outrageous when is comes to changing your diet to nutritionally supplement your workout to get the best results. Though I have to say, changing my diet is proving to be the hardest part! I’ve always read and heard that 5-6 small meals during the day is the best way to go. That’s one change… which is surprisingly gratifying when it comes to hunger – I’m always full! The hardest part, thus far, is eating breakfast! I haven’t eaten breakfast since I was old enough to get ready and get myself out the door and to the bus… so junior high maybe?? It’s not that I don’t like breakfast – I LOVE breakfast foods! I’m just not a morning person, and I’m just not awake enough to function, let alone eat! So the morning ritual REALLY fills me up – a full serving of oatmeal (which is really a lot!), plus a serving of egg beaters. The rest of the consists of small meals that include minimal carbs/sugar and high (good) protein.

The workouts are intense! From day one, she was pushing my limits. And it’s fast paced – barely enough time to stretch between exercises and grab a drink of water. But that’s a good thing. The first day was legs, and on Tuesday, I was in pain already! WOW! Today was upper body. I’m sure I’ll be feeling it tomorrow! But the weight training on only 2 days a week, then I’m on my own to do cardio 4-6 times a week. I did learn the optimal time to do cardio… right after strength training… on an empty stomach. So it’s up to me to knock out these 4-6 workouts. But with spring around the corner and The Mini on the horizon, that shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll be needing to run more often!

Water – that’s the other hard thing!! Drinking a gallon of water a day! I’m just not used to it, I guess, so I’m working on that… drinking water, constantly, even if I’m not thirsty. So we’ll see if I can get into that groove, as well.

Not sure how much I’ll talk about my training on here, but there might be a few blogs about how much pain I’m in. LOL

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