Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Getting Over the Hump!

I had my best run ever tonight!

Well, the best run since I started training for The Mini.

Right before winter hit, I hit a wall in my training. I couldn't get over this one hump in the interval training I was doing. And it was frustrating the hell out of me!! So the hiatus in training during the cold months didn't bother me - I was too frustrated, anyway!

As spring approached and I started my work-outs with a trainer, I knew I needed to get back into the interval training runs, as well. I decided to try putting some music into my runs alone, to help set the pace. Well, apparently, that's what was off - my pace! I think I was either trying to run too fast to take too big of a stride or something! Because once I had that beat in my ear, I hit the perfect pace. I probably could've run a little further, but I was so thrilled to have done what I did that I stopped to enjoy the moment!

So I feel better about the upcoming half-marathon, now. Especially if I can keep improving now that I'm over that initial hump!

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