Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Sneak Peek

As you are aware, there's been a lot going on as Eric and I get ready for the wedding. We're almost there, to that point where we can take a deep breath and say, "the planning is done!" But we're not quite there yet. especially since we're doing the separate reception in Indy... that has brought on a whole slew of additional planning that pretty much has to be planned out simultaneously with the wedding. But it'll all be worth it in the end!

As far as the wedding goes, there really isn't much left in the 'Major Items' column. At least as far as booking things goes. The details have yet to be hammered out. I still have to get my dress fitted... but I'm waiting until April to do that. We have to make one more trip to FL to detail out things with venders, but I don't see that as a problem. I'm thinking the weekend after Easter for that. My gift to my groom is in the works - can't spoil it here, though, so you'll have to wait!

I will give you all this, though... a sneak peak at Eric's suit he'll be wearing. He got it tailored and finally got it back. It looks really sharp on him! Now if I can just get the rest of the family attire nailed down - it's hard to plan from afar, but so far, so good. I think. I hoping to keep it casual enough that everyone's comfortable in what they're wearing. I'll be happy if I can just tie in my color with the fathers, which Eric's dad already a bought a complimenting tie. I plan to buy one for my dad, as well, so that will help that. My sister is close to finding a dress as my MOH. (Eric's dad is his BM). So then it's left to the mothers... both of which are searching, but without much luck yet! So it's all coming together... just over three months away!

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