Friday, August 7, 2009


So I got this urge earlier this week to go through pictures from back in high school and even junior high. It has been an absolute riot looking through them! I'm glad I was always such a photo hound - I think I have yearbook to thank for that (back in junior high). I was having so much fun with it that I decided to scan some in and upload them to Facebook. I figured if I was laughing so much, others might, too.

And they have been. It been fun reading the comments on some of the pictures. I've actually been surprised at some of the ones that are getting a lot of the comments - it's been great! Everyone thinks they are just at the top of the world and at the top of the trend world at that age (no matter what generation it is). It isn't until you look back that you wonder what you were thinking! I've been cracking up about all the pegged jeans! Why did we do that again - what did it do for us??

Anyway... I'm guessing I'll go through my college albums next. That'll take a bit longer and probably be more pictures, so I'm not sure when/if it'll get to Facebook. But it sure is fun reminiscing!

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