Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Familiar Feel

Ah yes... I remember what this feels like... a layover in ATL. It's been awhile, but I still remember how it all is.

While I got a moment though, I can tell about my Christmas Eve. I went over to Eric's and his family all came over for dinner and gifts. It was quite a house full, even in a house his big! But with six adults, two kids, and baby (and all that comes with a baby), it fills up quickly! But we had a really nice ham dinner with all the trimmings and his Mom made some really yummy cream pies (chocolate and banana). The kids seems to really like all their gifts, too, as did the adults. It's fun to do a big family thing, though - it was nice to gather around the tree and open gifts.

And I get to do it all again tomorrow! Which is why I'm at ATL... on my way to JAX to see my family. So I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas! I'll post pictures from all the fun later! :)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Merry Christmas, Kara!