Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Building a Better Blog

It was brought to my attention (by someone who shall remain nameless) that I do not blog about nearly half of the things I could be blogging about in my life.

For example, I said nothing about the Italian Fest two weekends ago. Also, I could've blogged much more about last weekends party. But in my defense, that was more of a time constraint issue. :P

Anyway... there is actually much more going on in my life than what I've been writing about so far. So I'm going to work on that. :)

1 comment:

Wendymples said...

Well, YEAH. I saw your twitter that it was a good day for Italian Festival, and I didn't even know it was going on!

And sorry - didn't mean to steal your blog (sort of). I was already thinking it, but maybe subconsciously, yours just gave me a nudge!