We've been getting warnings since Eric and I got back from FL last weekend. A BIG snow was coming on Thursday. The forecasted totals varied, and as of last night, they were saying 3"-5" by mid morning. So the public was well warned.
But did someone tell the City? Because the roads sure weren't touched this morning when I headed out at 7:30am. Maybe it will get better this afternoon.
So it continued to snow. All day. It was supposed to stop at noonish. 'They' said. It didn't stop. I left at 5pm to head home, and it was still snowing.
Huh. The roads were still crappy. Come to think of it, I saw a total of two City plow/salt trucks all day and actually saw private contractors clearing the PUBLIC road in front of my office. Well... that could mean only one thing... we got more than 6" of snow officially - the city only engages private contractors for public roads if it's over 6", right? But 'they' said we were just getting 3"-5" of snow....
Got home pretty easily - I love having a reverse commute on days like this. Looks like a lot of snow... we had a small drift forming on our front porch. So how much have we gotten? Go out back to measure (where there AREN'T drifts since the winds are blowing from the north) and whadaya know... 6.5". And it was still coming down.
But my road out front still looks like crap. Are they going to catch up overnight? What if it keeps snowing? Whatever will they do then?? Did they just not care today since most schools are still on break? Do us 'big people' not matter? Did they just not get enough warning for this one?
Uh... no. There was plenty on warning. In my opinion, there is no excuse. I don't care how fast it was coming down at some point in time... you sure wouldn't see such a crappy job done in the likes of Chicago or NYC. They'd have the main routes definitely clear for rush hour, even if it meant putting more than one truck on it.
Even better?? We're supposed to get even MORE on Sunday... supposedly a storm that will dump up to a foot of snow on us! Even better? The HIGH temperature on Monday isn't supposed to even reach 0 degrees... it's a high of like -6 degrees!!
I should've stayed in FL!!
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