With the shooting that happened at Purdue University this week (just a short 45 minutes NW of Indy), the media quickly started making speculations and reporting the 'news' as they read things on Twitter.
I'll let that sink in for a minute.
There has been gun violence for as long as there have been guns. I really question whether or not there truly is 'more' per capita then there was for me growing up. I think the media just overhypes things more. The first very distinctive thing that happened 'close to home' for me was when I was 10... William Cruse went on a shooting spree right there in my hometown of Palm Bay, killing six people and wounded even more. It made national news. Our little town of Palm Bay wasn't so unknown anymore. The next significant event (for me) occurred in junior high, when someone I had known for years, the 'class clown' that everyone knew, shot himself in the boys bathroom off of the common area in the center of the school. My dance team was right there practicing. What if he had decided to take out others with him? It took awhile for that one to sink in...
Both of these events were in the news... but after a press conference was held, and after something 'official' was issued to them. But then, social media didn't exist yet, so I'm sure that's why. But at least as we watched the news, we were getting facts. Now, the news changes as the social media gets updated. I get that news outlets want to be the first the 'break the news' to the world... but is it worth getting the public in a over-amped state of panic? As if we don't already have enough helicopter parents in this society that overreact to every damn thing that happens. Just because you have access to information doesn't mean it's accurate, or should be used in any capacity as 'news' to the public.
But back to the guns themselves. Why does Joe Public need to have access or the ability to by military/police grade weapons? And don't give me that Second Amendment BS. Do you really think our forefathers ever thought weapons would become so advanced that they could shoot multiple rounds a minute? No. I have no problem with people owning a gun for protection... but you just need something that can fire one round at a time - most people can't handle more, nor do they ever LEARN how to handle it. And hunters... why on earth do they need a semi-automatic weapon to kill a deer?? Doesn't that kind of take the sport out it? What happened to just using a shotgun?
I'm really not sure why it is legal for Joe and Jane Public to buy, or even own, anything automatic. There's no reason for it. And these 'collectors' out there? Let's make them register as collectors and pin some responsibility on them if their guns get stolen and used in a crime. Of course, we can't even pin that back on gun shops yet, so I know I'm dreaming big. I know amping up the laws won't completely fix things, but at least it gives the courts something to prosecute. Right now there are way too many loopholes.
Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing about all the shootings. I'm numb to it. Each time one happens, I seem to care less and less. I could ramble on about 'kids these days' and blame political correctness and the ACLU for being idiotic in what they go after... but then this blog would turn into a short novel rather quickly.
So our dysfunctional politicians just need to get their heads out of their asses and stop trying to protect everyone's feelings, and just do what's right for once. Turn down that bribe from that lobbyist, and actually vote the way your constituents would want you to vote. Leave your own agenda at the door for once, and actually focus on the bigger issues in this country. Is that really too much to ask? Is your bank account really not big enough yet? Because I read most of you are millionaires now. Maybe learn to feed your ego in some other way.
I digress.
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