"Well... at least the sun is out!"
I find myself saying that way more than I'd like. And the sun isn't even out all the time, which makes it even more depressing. I do not like winter. I do not like the cold. But I HATE not seeing the sun. I am definitely one of those people that can go into a deep seasonal depression if I do not see the sun for days at a time.
But back to the Polar Vortex - Round #2!! We woke up this morning to more sub-zero temperatures with even more frigid windchills. Luckily it wasn't quite as cold as they were initially predicting. Last night, they were saying the morning temp would be in the negative teens and the windchills would be near the negative thirties. Brutal! I'll take my -6°F with a windchill of only -11°F.
Never thought I'd say that!
So, unlike last time, we didn't have over a foot of snow to deal with before this nasty cold streak hit. Which means we don't have frozen-over snowpack on the roads. Yay! So we have clear roads, with lots of ugly, dirty snow along the edge... but no issues with it, other than it being depressing to look at. Yet, the City still 'closed down' today, meaning all the City offices were closed, and just about every school district, as well. Yet, private industry (me) still bundled up and headed to work.
But this lead to an interesting, and sad, conversation Eric and I had this morning... a lot of people are complaining that the mayor had this directive, where he suggested businesses and schools all close today, to allow people to avoid the frigid outdoor temperatures. Sadly, he had to do this, because we now live in a society where no one takes responsibility for what happens to them or their loved ones, and immediately look for someone else to blame. So if he DIDN'T send out this directive, leaving people on their own to make the decision, and if something dreadful would've happened, somehow, he would've been at fault.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
This goes back to the weak generation we're raising now. Sadly, this is what they see, and this is how they will act. They will never take responsibility for anything and always look anywhere but the mirror for who to blame. Not every kid out there is like that. But unfortunately, the ones who have been raised to take responsibility for your own actions and make your own life happen aren't in the majority, and won't be able to carry their entire generation.
Okay... that was a off-subject ramble. Back to the weather. It's cold. That's all I can say. Even today's high temperature was way too cold for me. This winter is just sucking the life out of me.
With the shooting that happened at Purdue University this week (just a short 45 minutes NW of Indy), the media quickly started making speculations and reporting the 'news' as they read things on Twitter.
I'll let that sink in for a minute.
There has been gun violence for as long as there have been guns. I really question whether or not there truly is 'more' per capita then there was for me growing up. I think the media just overhypes things more. The first very distinctive thing that happened 'close to home' for me was when I was 10... William Cruse went on a shooting spree right there in my hometown of Palm Bay, killing six people and wounded even more. It made national news. Our little town of Palm Bay wasn't so unknown anymore. The next significant event (for me) occurred in junior high, when someone I had known for years, the 'class clown' that everyone knew, shot himself in the boys bathroom off of the common area in the center of the school. My dance team was right there practicing. What if he had decided to take out others with him? It took awhile for that one to sink in...
Both of these events were in the news... but after a press conference was held, and after something 'official' was issued to them. But then, social media didn't exist yet, so I'm sure that's why. But at least as we watched the news, we were getting facts. Now, the news changes as the social media gets updated. I get that news outlets want to be the first the 'break the news' to the world... but is it worth getting the public in a over-amped state of panic? As if we don't already have enough helicopter parents in this society that overreact to every damn thing that happens. Just because you have access to information doesn't mean it's accurate, or should be used in any capacity as 'news' to the public.
But back to the guns themselves. Why does Joe Public need to have access or the ability to by military/police grade weapons? And don't give me that Second Amendment BS. Do you really think our forefathers ever thought weapons would become so advanced that they could shoot multiple rounds a minute? No. I have no problem with people owning a gun for protection... but you just need something that can fire one round at a time - most people can't handle more, nor do they ever LEARN how to handle it. And hunters... why on earth do they need a semi-automatic weapon to kill a deer?? Doesn't that kind of take the sport out it? What happened to just using a shotgun?
I'm really not sure why it is legal for Joe and Jane Public to buy, or even own, anything automatic. There's no reason for it. And these 'collectors' out there? Let's make them register as collectors and pin some responsibility on them if their guns get stolen and used in a crime. Of course, we can't even pin that back on gun shops yet, so I know I'm dreaming big. I know amping up the laws won't completely fix things, but at least it gives the courts something to prosecute. Right now there are way too many loopholes.
Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing about all the shootings. I'm numb to it. Each time one happens, I seem to care less and less. I could ramble on about 'kids these days' and blame political correctness and the ACLU for being idiotic in what they go after... but then this blog would turn into a short novel rather quickly.
So our dysfunctional politicians just need to get their heads out of their asses and stop trying to protect everyone's feelings, and just do what's right for once. Turn down that bribe from that lobbyist, and actually vote the way your constituents would want you to vote. Leave your own agenda at the door for once, and actually focus on the bigger issues in this country. Is that really too much to ask? Is your bank account really not big enough yet? Because I read most of you are millionaires now. Maybe learn to feed your ego in some other way.
I digress.
A heads up... this is going to be a ramble.
So today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I get the significance of the person - he was a huge leader in the civil rights movement. When you think of that, you think of him probably before anyone else.
With that said, is there still any significance to this holiday? Don't get me wrong, I respect the reason for the day, but it doesn't seem to be 'celebrated' the way it maybe once was. Outside of government agencies, banks, and a select group of activism organizations, it's not recognized at all, really. I haven't had it as a day off since college. And once at work, it's never mentioned. And that goes for any company I've been at. I've even forgotten that it was a holiday, all together, until I get home and there's no mail. Most people don't even refer to it by it's full name (see my blog title). It seems like it's just another manipulated way for retailers to have sales.
And beyond that, as a way to try to keep it as a recognized day, they've had to double dub it, by calling it the National Day of Service, as well. But if you work, you can't partake in that, either. So that's a majority of working Americans. And the big controversy here in Indy this year was that some school districts were using it as a make-up snow day, so about half the schools were is session today, as well.
So it makes you think... how many holidays have gone the wayward? Right off of the top of my head, I think of Pearl Harbor Day... as the generation that was alive for that significant event have passed on, it's talked about less and less. It's not even shown on most calendars anymore. I don't know that the government ever closed down for the recognized holiday, but I think most people recognized it and at least took a moment to remember what that day meant. But now, it's barely a blip on most people's radar.
So is it, what I'll call, a 'generational' holiday? Will it, too, be a blip on the radar once all that were alive during MLK's time pass on, much the way Pearl Harbor Day has been slipping away as the World War II generation passes on? Will the same thing happen to Patriot Day, otherwise known as September 11th Remembrance Day... will it also go that way once all of our generation has passed?
It seems like if it's not a Hallmark Holiday (for lack of a better term), then it's quickly forgotten. There are a few minor exceptions, like Independence Day, that will always remain a big deal. But even Memorial and Labor Day seem to be less and less celebrated. But at least the private sector still recognizes those with days off. But how long before we start working on those days, as well? And think of all the other holidays that aren't wholly recognized... Presidents Day, Veterans Day, etc.
So yes... this is my ramble for the day. I'm not going to lie... I miss having all the days off like I had in school. But even when, as a kid, you had those days off, did you really celebrate the day? Or was it just an extra day off for you?
Winterstorm Ion. He shall be one that those of us who were in the Midwest will never forget. Especially here in Indianapolis, where we were the apparent bullseye for Mother nature on this one.
I can't say this one caught us off guard at all. We had all sorts of notice, and the barren shelves of milk, break, and eggs proved that. Either a storm was coming, or there was a hell of a French Toast Brunch happening somewhere in the City. And it was coming on the heals of the more than half-foot of snow we received late last week.
So Sunday morning, just as predicted, the snow starts coming down at about an inch an hour. And it did, indeed, come down all day like that, just as they had predicted. It was actually pretty to watch. Eric and I even got out in the Armada and drove around a bit before it got dark to check on some of Riley's properties (to make sure they had power, etc.). It was kind of fun driving around downtown in the snow with very little traffic out. We learned the true benefit of have a 4x4, too.
There were actually quite a few people out and about, building snowmen and just enjoying the winter wonderland scenery. It was still snowing during this time, but we were already approaching a foot of snow, which is a lot of one snowfall for Indy. And the temps we right around freezing, which sounds cold, but really wasn't... compared to what was coming.
Not sure if I just wasn't paying attention or if the term came to the frontline after it actually happened... I know I saw this described on the weather forecast, with the jet stream dipping way down into the southern states, and pulling down the artic air with it... but I didn't see the term, 'Polar Vortex' until sometime Monday afternoon. It was part of the overall forecast, after they told un our total snowfall was about 13" (now the record for a one day snowfall in Indy) and then talked about the weather we were dealing with now... sub-zero temps and no chance of being above zero until sometime on Tuesday.
And it was brutal! We woke up on Monday to -13°F, with a windchill that made it feel like -41°F. And that was just what I saw... it may have been colder at some point. Eric and I didn't leave the house at all. I ventured out back at one point to try to make frozen bubbles - it's amazing the things you learn about 'experimenting with' when it gets to these temps. Kind of like frying an egg on the road in FL, I guess. But it was too windy and they kept popping. I got one small, unspectacular one, but that's it. I didn't do the boiling water into snow experiment - saw enough of those on Facebook. It eventually 'warmed up' to around -9°F, but then dropped back down overnight. Again, not sure how cold it really got to, but when I looked this morning, the temp was -13°F, but the windchill was only about -30°F. And it actually did feel warmer. Amazing what the wind can do to you.
Around lunchtime or so, we finally made it 'up' to 0°F, and depending on where in the Metro Area you were, it even made it a few degrees above as the high for the day. But obviously, with these temps, the snow isn't going anywhere anytime soon. And tonight it even goes back below 0°F, according to the weather forecasters. Who I'll believe through the rest of this winter blast. This one is definitely one for the memory banks. And I'd be just fine not having to deal with another storm like this again. Ever! Never thought I'd say I'm looking forward to the 30°F temps we're expecting tomorrow!! It's like a heatwave will be hitting us!
We've been getting warnings since Eric and I got back from FL last weekend. A BIG snow was coming on Thursday. The forecasted totals varied, and as of last night, they were saying 3"-5" by mid morning. So the public was well warned.
But did someone tell the City? Because the roads sure weren't touched this morning when I headed out at 7:30am. Maybe it will get better this afternoon.
So it continued to snow. All day. It was supposed to stop at noonish. 'They' said. It didn't stop. I left at 5pm to head home, and it was still snowing.
Huh. The roads were still crappy. Come to think of it, I saw a total of two City plow/salt trucks all day and actually saw private contractors clearing the PUBLIC road in front of my office. Well... that could mean only one thing... we got more than 6" of snow officially - the city only engages private contractors for public roads if it's over 6", right? But 'they' said we were just getting 3"-5" of snow....
Got home pretty easily - I love having a reverse commute on days like this. Looks like a lot of snow... we had a small drift forming on our front porch. So how much have we gotten? Go out back to measure (where there AREN'T drifts since the winds are blowing from the north) and whadaya know... 6.5". And it was still coming down.
But my road out front still looks like crap. Are they going to catch up overnight? What if it keeps snowing? Whatever will they do then?? Did they just not care today since most schools are still on break? Do us 'big people' not matter? Did they just not get enough warning for this one?
Uh... no. There was plenty on warning. In my opinion, there is no excuse. I don't care how fast it was coming down at some point in time... you sure wouldn't see such a crappy job done in the likes of Chicago or NYC. They'd have the main routes definitely clear for rush hour, even if it meant putting more than one truck on it.
Even better?? We're supposed to get even MORE on Sunday... supposedly a storm that will dump up to a foot of snow on us! Even better? The HIGH temperature on Monday isn't supposed to even reach 0 degrees... it's a high of like -6 degrees!!
I should've stayed in FL!!
Wow! 2014 already! Seriously... where did 2013 go??
For the first time since we've been together, Eric and I decided to actually go to a true New Year's celebration. One where you actually get all dressed up and toast the night in with champagne, singing, and something falling on you from above. We've done the stay at home thing, or the friend's house party... but never got all dolled up.
We decided to that this year when we got the announcement/invite from the Indianapolis Museum of Art (of which we're members). There was a cost associated with it, but more than half of it was considered a donation and was tax deductible, so it was celebrating for a good cause, right??
I think the best part was the fact that it was no rush to get there. Since the only critical point was midnight, we were able to have a nice dinner at home before getting ready and finally heading out around 10pm. And we missed nothing.
All the galleries were open, including the Matisse exhibit. So we wandered around a bit before finally settling in on the main floor with some champagne and waiting for the countdown. It was, quite frankly, the perfect way to celebrate. And I think we'd recommend this route to everyone we know for next year - it's probably where we'll go again!
So here we are, the first day into 2014. I've made no resolutions this year. Don't see a reason to, honesty - I'm rambled before how they're pointless. If you want to make a change, just do it. It doesn't matter the time of year! About the only 'tradition' I'm following is my pork chops, black-eyed peas, and sauerkraut with some added green beans to keep the green coming. And I guess some potatoes on the side.
Here's hoping to a great New Year for Eric and I (maybe we'll get the bathroom done), and may everyone else I know have one, too!