Friday, May 25, 2012

Dry, Dry, Dry...

So it's been nearly two weeks since we had rain. And there's no definitely chance of rain until at least next week. This sucks!

We have a vegetable garden at our house. We started a little earlier this years since it was so perfect so early on this year (with no late frost/freeze is sight). But it wasn't overly wet, either, which wasn't a big deal because we still got enough through April. But then came May.

The ground is cracking it's so dry. Even with manual watering of the plants, it's just not enough! The ground soaks it right up! Nothing is dying, but I think some growth has been stunted. or maybe I'm imagining things since we started so early... but I swear we normally have some tomatoes by now!

We DO have an abundance of raspberries! We seem to have the ultimate conditions for raspberry bushes and this year, it's producing LOTS of berries! Loving it! And there's other things starting to pop a bit, so as ling as we get some rain soon, I think we'll be well on track for a good year of fruits and veggies... but I'm getting tired of worrying about watering them...

Come on Mother Nature! Work with me here!

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