Thursday, November 24, 2011


Can this year seem to go by any faster??

Thanksgiving has come (and gone) already... this year seems much more relaxing than in years past, though... well, after a certain point, anyway. Preparation began on Tuesday and I was feeling a little stress until people starting arriving, worried if we'd get it all together in time. But once everyone was here, I was fine.

Eric and I hosted again and we had a full house with his parents, sister, nephews, and her boyfriend and his girls. Plus we had a late addition right before we ate. Luckily we always have plenty of food. Including a 22 lb. turkey! Which, as usually, turned out perfect, thanks to the brining process. Plus, we had green beans, mashed potatoes, White Castle stuffing, roasted butternut squash, rolls and a salad. So yeah... PLENTY of food!

A fun new thing (for us) this year was that we got to actually have a separate kids table! I never understood the real reason for this until this year... I always figured it was a space thing... no, it's not. It's true separation of adult company verses kids. I have to admit, I liked it! Is that bad??

So once again, we had a great Thanksgiving with the family. That is the best part of the holidays, after all... time with family. On the one hand, I really miss my side of the family during the holidays. But on the other hand, it's nice to have such a great family to spend time with on Eric's side. Either way, I love my time with family.

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