Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

You know someone has made an impact on the world when news of their death spreads faster over social media than it does news outlets.

Just hours ago, the world was made aware of the loss of a creative genius.  Steve Jobs died today at the age of 56.  One day after the announcement of the next iPhone.  Which made bigger news?  I'll let you be the judge.

I find it interesting how I learned of the news myself.  Eric called me on my iPhone (from his iPhone) and asked if I saw his email I sent.  I said "no" and he bluntly just said "Steve Jobs died."  I scrambled for the iPad to check my email and pull up the links about his passing.  Wow... it's true.  He's gone.

I remember when I was in elementary school, and it was a HUGE deal when we upgraded from a Commodore64 computer lab to an Apple Macintosh computer lab.  But then I also remember the brand "Apple" kind of disappearing for awhile... ironically during the period Steve Jobs left the company.  In that hiatus, though, he pushed on the animation world, proving there could be better animation than what Disney could provide by pioneering Pixar films.  Then Apple made a comeback with Steve Jobs at the helm.

Now, as I write this blog on my Mac Mini, I can't help but wonder if Apple will stay the same.  Will Apple keep on the forefront of technology or will they disappear like they did before.  I hope it's the former.

Here's to a man who made us see the world differently.  A visionary who left this world a far better place with his creative mind.  Thank you, Steve - you will be missed.  Rest in Peace.

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